Ian Adams //Well when muhammad became richer from robbing - TopicsExpress


Ian Adams //Well when muhammad became richer from robbing caravans and gained political power, and even before, lets just say, he didnt respond with niceties.// Ever heard of the word background or reasons. No! hey I read on that anti islam site that Muhammad also raided the caravans and robbed them and became rich and thus He was a robber. THIS is your logic. Beautiful logic Ians. Relations between Mecca and Medina rapidly worsened (see surat al-Baqara.) Meccans confiscated all the property that the Muslims had left in Mecca. In Medina, Muhammad pbuh signed treaties of alliance and mutual help with neighboring tribes. During the time of the Prophet, Arabs largely earned their living by trade with nations in the north then known as Syria, now divided into many smaller countries. The trade routes from Mecca towards north passed near Medina. Arabs also conducted local trade from one town to another. The Muslims had suffered for over a decade in Mecca, left all their homes, properties, belongings, and ancestries to emigrate, all for the sake of peace. Now, war pursued them once more. It is completely reasonable to believe that some Muslims were tired of the persecution, suffering, and running. They simply wanted peace—but the Qur’an admonished them to remain firm because God knew the consequences of their acquiescence to Meccan aggression. Commenting on this situation, the Prophet Muhammad reassured the Muslims, “O ye Muslims! you should not desire to fight the enemy, and remain desirous of the peace and security of God. If however, contrary to your desire, you are compelled to fight an enemy then demonstrate steadfastness.” Holy Prophet began to intercept the trade caravans of the Quraish which travelled from Makkah to Syria passing by Madīnah en route. The reason being that firstly, these caravans would spark a fire of enmity against the Muslims wherever they travelled. It is obvious that for a seed of enmity to be sown in the environs of Madīnah was extremely dangerous for the Muslims. Secondly, these caravans would always be armed and everyone can appreciate that for such caravans to pass by so close to Madīnah was not empty of danger. Thirdly, the livelihood of the Quraish primarily depended on trade. Therefore, in these circumstances, the most definitive and effective means by which the Quraish could be subdued, their cruelties could be put to an end and they could be pressed to reconciliation, was by obstructing their trade route. As such, history testifies to the fact that among the factors which ultimately compelled the Quraish to incline towards reconciliation, the interception of these trade caravans played an extremely pivotal role. Hence, this was an extremely sagacious strategy, which yielded fruits of success at the appropriate time. Fourthly, the revenue from these caravans of the Quraish was mostly spent in efforts to eliminate Islām. Rather, some caravans were even sent for the sole purpose that their entire profit may be utilized against the Muslims. In this case, every individual can understand that the interception of these caravans, was in its own right, an absolutely legitimate motive. A human with a mature mind could obviously understand all the mentioned reasons. I dont think further reasoning is needed. AK
Posted on: Sat, 05 Jul 2014 23:32:24 +0000

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