Ian Compton wrote this inspiring post. I think it sums things up - TopicsExpress


Ian Compton wrote this inspiring post. I think it sums things up pretty nicely and conveys the sentiments of thousands of good Irish citizens. This is a message for those among you that have not quite made up there mind as to what they should do concerning the civil unrest around the country. I attended the march last Saturday the 11th of October. This is a first for me. For the last 20 yrs i have been to caught up in everyday life to ever even considering taking to the streets to protest against the miss management of our land. I come from a professional conservative family. I grew up surrounded by opinions based around being a good citizen give or take one or two issues. Okay i was always the black sheep and unfortunately i still am. People can say what they like about me but my family instilled a strong sense of morality in me on an almost cellular level. My father whose father was a detective for the Gardai back in the day was the most morally strict person i have ever known and believe me i know a lot of good people and you know who you are if you know me and you are reading this. I never once doubted his convictions and words because he never faltered.If he said something he stuck to it and that was that. He thought us to be honest to the point where i hear voices in my head when an issue of right versus wrong raises its head. Now do not get me wrong i am not a saint. There is a difference. I am talking about the line. I am talking about knowing the difference and standing up for what you believe to be fair and just. Sometimes this may not work in our favour. But if that voice that speaks as your conscience tells you you are right or wrong well then you should heed it. Because that voice is the only friend you will truly ever have. That voice like the rings used to identify a trees age is a culmination of a lifetime of often harsh lessons. It is the vice that whispers consequence into the deafest of ears what you choose after that is between you and your maker. I hear that voice loud and clear and it has guided me for over forty years. And i know some of you that know me will understand what it is i am getting at. I do not need a law to tell me not to rob. My mother and father taught me that.The indignation and hurt in their eyes as they collected me from Store street Garda station taught me that. I do not need judicial guidance to know that treating people unfairly makes you less than a man. I do not need a statute book to tell me that if someone is in need of help be it on the side of the road or just through every day circumstance it is our duty as a citizen of this country to lend a hand irrespective of personal gain. She is someones sister.Mother. He could be a father or brother. Everyone has a story just as important as our own. The point is we are facing the biggest moral dilemma of our life time. That is why i marched on Saturday the 11 th of October. To see for myself. To see through the fog of deception. To believe in my convictions and i swear to you i heard a voice that day as i stood amongst thousands of my people. I was doing the correct thing. And i was witnessing a just awakening it was over whelming. I know now the lies. Everything has clicked in to place. I cannot say for sure if my father would approve i guess we will never know the answer to that. But what i can say is i believe that my protest is morally just. And i believe that the people of Ireland have the irrevocable right to stand up and put an end to the injustice that has become our gaol. Many of you are lost to the cause. Maybe the timing is just wrong our like myself you are to caught up in your own little world to care i have to admit i know this. Maybe its because i am at a stage in my life that i can care about more than myself. I am not here to judge but the question must be asked for the sake of transparency. Is it morally right to let the stewards of our destiny enslave us. I use this word because we have been enslaved. These are the words of a madman rummaging or his gun. These are the words of a man that sees the world for what it is. Harsh. Cruel. Unforgiving. We have been sold lock stock and barrel. The voice of my father in my heart told me to get up off your arse and get out on the street and tell the world that enough is enough. And so i did. I got off the Luas and stepped into a sea of emotion. There were thousands where i had hoped to find a few more than hundreds. There were songs where i thought to have herd the voices of scumbags and thugs. There was solidarity where i thought i would feel isolated and alone. Wow! For those that missed it all i can say is wow! The young the old the brave and the bold. They were all there. I was carried by the tide the wave after wave of emotion that flooded over around and through me. And above all else it felt right to be there. For the first time in my whole life i know what it feels like to be an Irishman. I know now what all the songs are about. Every man woman and child that ever sacrificed himself for this country was honoured that day by the thousands upon thousands that flooded the streets of Dublin. Does feeling good need a law to diminish that guilty pleasure. They will tell you that it does. Does caring need a bi law to reduce its efficacy by thirty percent at the bequest of our tormentors? Are crumbs from the masters table enough to feed our families. When the voice in your heart screams louder than any unjust law is it wrong to stand up for what you truly believe in. Are you content to let the heroes from your most beloved films and stories loose their meaning because the coward in you hides in the dreamworld. Our slavers have been found out. The great Oz is a hoax. The Greeks have shamed us but that shame unites us. We are not here to be laughed at. We are not here to be bullied. We are here to be free. There is no law that can be contrived that will ever change this because the law in our hearts will not allow it. So from now on think upon what i have said. I do not do this for me. I have made my decision already. I do this for you. We must put aside our differences. We must unite. And together we will stop and help those less fortunate regardless of what our masters say. Together we will protect Ireland until she regains her strength. If this makes me a traitor then there is no law. Ian Patrick Compton
Posted on: Fri, 17 Oct 2014 08:36:01 +0000

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