Ian has asked that we share this heartfelt message with you - TopicsExpress


Ian has asked that we share this heartfelt message with you all.... I know there are a lot of people that have been in similar situations as we found ourselves in 18 months ago and they would know how weve been feeling. The absolute second someone you love tells you they have a life threatening illness you find yourself in a lonely place and the helpless feeling is painful down to your soul. You dont think you are ever going to be the same again and Im not really sure you ever are. It never leaves you day or night, so everyone needs to know you have already done enough for us. The one and only thing that has carried us through all of this is the texts, the phone calls, the hugs, people that have cooked us a meal, words of encouragement,all of you people that have had anything to do with this auction and all your amazing donations. Any words of thanks I say are fruitless compared to what you mean to us. I have been so terrified our children are feeling the same pain we are, so to the people that have cared for our kids like they are a part of their own family, taking them to school, organising birthdays, picking them up, St. Agnes primary, the students and parents, Lake Cathie Raiders Jnr footy club, our amazing neighbours and friends in Lake Cathie we love you all and can never repay you for what you have done. All of the people that have tirelessly rang and messaged Donna. Some of you have rang Donna every day and I mean everyday for eighteen months. The commitment and love that that takes is beyond my comprehension. Thank you to the people that have made the trip to wherever Donna has been when I have watched her go through months and months of pain only to see a glimmer of her old self when someone would turn up to see her. To my beautiful parents who have put their life on hold to rear our kids the only thing I can say is you know there is no one in this world that I would rather have them other than their mother. You have always been the most selfless and caring people that I know and we love you. To you Kath for your time, hours and hours day and night spent caring for Donna like only a mother can, thank you we love you beyond words. Gary, Greg and Leanne thank you for opening your houses and hearts to us we love you. To all our kids Blake, Kyle, Jade and Sam no child should ever have to go through this, a parents nightmare is that you cant protect your children but one thing Ive learnt from this you are all so very special, from the never ending hours in the car to weeks and weeks without us, you all just do what you have to do and never complained, not once. I thought I would have to be strong for you but I was wrong because you were the strong ones for mum and I and Im proud beyond belief of all of you. To you Luke and I know your going to say ,shes your mum and of course any child would do it ,but I sat with mum for hours and hours every day for months and months last year and that is the easy part. To sit there helplessly and watch you mother have procedure after procedure and witness the horrific side effects of cancer treatment attack someone you love surpasses what any child should have to endure with their mother. I want you to know mate Im am so proud of you. I hope you know what youve done for this family is irreplaceable. Weve always known you are a special young man and I want you to go on in your life and do anything that you want to because it will all be easy after what you have just done for all of us. The people that know my wife would understand why I have had a quiet confidence in her to beat this from the start. She has had grit all her life for whatever she has come up against and in that tiny girls frame is the heart of a lion with a mind that cannot be changed. Donna is the most amazing mother and the devotion to her children is freakish and when we meet people shes never met within seconds they laugh with her and seem like theyve known her for years, but close friends that have known her longer than myself have always surprised me with this respect and commitment they have for her that extends more than I have ever understood. Now I know why you all love her, what I have witnessed her endure in the past 2 years has passed being strong, passed being extraordinary passed being inspirational its unexplainable and unless Id witnessed it unbelievable. She prepared me early for what she needed if she didnt make it and thats why everyone loves her because nothing is more important to her in this world than everyone else, her friends, family and children. I have learned from her that Courage is being afraid but going on anyway and thats what she has done for all of us, her fight isnt finished but she will never give up.. I love you sweetheart, every beautiful part of you, you are my hero.xx
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 08:53:54 +0000

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