Ibn Taymiyyah on the Differences between the Imams It must be - TopicsExpress


Ibn Taymiyyah on the Differences between the Imams It must be known that there is not one scholar, who is accepted widely and willfully by the Ummah, that purposely intends to oppose the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) in any aspect of his Sunnah, whether small or large. For indeed, they all agree on the obligation of following the Messenger upon a firm and certain understanding. They also agree that one can accept or reject the statement of any individual from mankind, except that of the Messenger of Allaah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam). Therefore when it is found that an opinion, held by one of them, contradicts an authentic hadith, there is no doubt that excuses must be made for him, these excuses can be divided into three categories: 1). The lack of his believing that the Prophet said it 2). The lack of his believing that the issue was affected by that statement 3). His belief that ruling was abrogated Anyone that does not have a hadith reach him is not responsible for being knowledgeable about its obligation. Thus, if a hadith was not conveyed to him, and he formulated an opinion for that issue based on either the apparentness of an obligating ayah, another hadith, the necessity of Qiyaas or the need for Istishaab, then sometimes he may be in agreement with that hadith and at other times he may contradict it. An example of this is seen in the rightly guided caliphs, who were the most knowledgeable of the affairs of the Messenger of Allah and his Sunnah, especially Abu Bakr who was with the Prophet the majority of the time. In spite of this, when Abu Bakr was asked on the inheritance of the grandmother, he said: There is nothing for you in the Book of Allah nor have I learned of anything from the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah that is for you. However, I will ask the people. So he asked them and they stood up and testified that the Prophet has given her a sixth of the inheritance
Posted on: Sun, 02 Feb 2014 09:30:07 +0000

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