Ibn al-Jawzî (d.597H) - rahimahullâh - says in Talbîs Iblîs - TopicsExpress


Ibn al-Jawzî (d.597H) - rahimahullâh - says in Talbîs Iblîs (p.121-122): “From the deception of Iblîs upon the Scholars, is their mixing with the Rulers and flattering them and abandon censuring them when able to do so. And perhaps they find allowance for them where really there is no allowance, in order to attain a worldly goal - and threefold corruption comes about through this: Firstly: The Ruler - he says: If it were not correct, then the Scholar would have censured me - and how can I not be correct - and he eats from my wealth? Secondly: The common person says: There is no harm with this Ruler, nor his wealth, nor his actions, because the Scholar does not criticise him. Thirdly: The Scholar - because he corrupts his Dîn through that. Iblîs may deceive them into entering upon the Ruler saying: We enter in order to intercede for a Muslim. This deception is uncovered by the fact that if a different person entered to intercede - the Scholar would not be pleased with that; and perhaps speak ill of him - since he wishes to be alone in the Rulers attention. So entering upon the Ruler involves great danger, since the intention may be good when you first enter, but then may be changed by their honouring you, or bestowing things upon you, or by having ambitions and by not being able to avoid flattering them and leaving-off censuring them. Sufyân ath-Thawrî used to say: “I do not fear from their debasing me, but I fear from their being generous towards me so that my heart inclines towards them.” ”
Posted on: Tue, 12 Nov 2013 15:13:08 +0000

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