Ibsaa Guutama: Dhaabbii Keenyaa fi Kan Isaanii | Our Stand and - TopicsExpress


Ibsaa Guutama: Dhaabbii Keenyaa fi Kan Isaanii | Our Stand and Theirs By Ibsaa Guutama* Long, long ago, when this writer was a kid, the common folks defined politics as an art of lying. It was not something expected to be practiced by descent people. For the learned, that was taken as a definition of the ignorant, and so they defined it as an art of governance. Now, we are at this age when we see it, the “ignoramus” definition was more near to the truth. For this reason, lying has become the norm. Anyone who has power, control over the media and the purse is seen getting away with it. No wonder to see petty dictators release white lies about their criminal acts and intentions – twisting facts and figures in support of anticipated goals. Constitutions, rules and regulations are drawn supposedly to show individual responsibilities and accountability, but in reality, they are part of the lies of dictators and deceivers. All information states and collaborating media release should not be swallowed before checking the intention and the source. They are mostly lies. The following paragraphs are to show differences of seeking independence, and maintaining the empire state by democratizing it. The two have clear distinctions of principle that only the gullible cannot distinguish. Here “Our” refers to those who struggle for independence, and “Their” is for the government and its opposition, and opposition to be. When the Ethiopian constitution was drafted, no respectable Oromo organization had endorse it, not that much for its content, but because of how it was made. The peoples it claimed to serve did not participate in the making. Therefore, it was no better than bylaws of a party. It had served and is still serving the purpose for which it was made, simulating the rule of law. By it, multiparty system was also declared (Art. 56) as face saving device for the international community that gave it unconditional support. They know they can apply the Habashaa maxim, “Indayaamahi xiraawu, indaybala gifawu” (Call him such that he does not complain, push him such that he does not eat) to exclude all they wanted. Hence, election flaw in all aspects from preregistration to post ballot throwing was designed and implemented. No other way is expected from a colonial empire system. Let alone expecting fair and free elections even to live in peace under it is preposterous. The rulers always made it known that they have earned their position with sacrifices they paid. They are no different from their “shiftaa” (rebel) predecessors. The Habashaa never give up on their tradition willingly unless forced out. All those who accepted the constitution, which advocates integrity of the Habashaa colonial empire, were registered as what the West calls “loyal opposition,” whether Wayyaanee is democratized or not. There had never been tolerance for potential rival in Habashaa history. Power is acquired only by defiant opposition. To verify this, read how power was transferred starting from Teedros without going any further. Creation of an empire only strengthened that tradition. And no empire in history has ever been democratized before it broke into its component parts. Therefore, oppositions’ promises for democracy for all peoples of the empire are show of insincerity. It is not up to the colonized to sacrifice to change that history. Opposition’s objective is not to change that history, but to displace the incumbent and strengthen it. The talk about democracy is only to make their platform palatable for the voters. Oppressed peoples struggle for their freedom not for choosing between masters. In short, differences between loyal opposition and liberation movements are liberation movements believe that all peoples want peace, freedom and independence. To achieve this, they have to get free from colonial occupation and domination. To start thinking about the peoples under colonial rule and the colonizing nation, each one of them should free themselves and have free will to negotiate with neighbors. Oromo has no problem to come to negotiation table with all those willing to consider each other as equals and show mutual respect for each other’s interests. Then only can they start to negotiate for their future relations which may or may not end in unity. For some opposition, Oromo has the obligation of fighting for freedom of the others and democratizing the empire. They are opposed to the independence of Oromiyaa. Loyal opposition’s primary objectives are to overthrow the government in power, the Wayyaanee. For liberation movements, the major issues are not overthrowing a government, but dismantling the empire and assure freedom for all under it. This can be achieved through peaceful negotiations or armed uprising. As for leaders of the empire, it is up to their own people to retain or discard them. Independent Oromiyaa could help its neighbors to find their ways, if requested, but will not choose rulers for them. Unity has no absolute value by itself unless those to unite show absolute will to rejoin. In other words, accepting equality of all peoples, recognizing their rights to national self-determination and acceptance of the rule of law has to precede all other conditions. Liberation movements believe individual rights are affected by absence of group rights. Therefore, one cannot be dealt with without the other. For the Opposition, individual right will take care of group right. That means they do not talk about independence of Oromiyaa, but individual freedom in general. They line up national questions with women’s, football, farmers and self-help associations, etc. Liberation movements believe that Ethiopia can never be democratized unless it is decolonized. Anyone who replaces the incumbent cannot be different from it in governance. Empire cannot be ruled without sheer force. Any force that replaces the Wayyaanee has to maintain the integrity of the empire, which under the present reality cannot be maintained without suppressing nationalist resistances. Therefore, they make no difference for the peoples of Ethiopia if not a change of name. All those who are to sell their platform and pick support from international community and from nationals in the name of opposition parties are not presenting alternative platform to address the major grievances except blaming the incumbent power ad nauseam. How can they disentangle themselves from long standing imperial tradition without affecting the structure? They cannot; they are choosing to remain conjoined twins rather than taking the risks of separation. The OLF, as its name indicates, stands for liberation of the Oromoo nation. Its world outlook or ideology is as enumerated in its political program. It is based on the firm belief that Oromiyaa is a country over which the Oromo people are the sole sovereigns. All those who, accident of history, had made them residents of Oromiyaa are Oromiyaans as long as they accept sovereignty of Independent Republic Oromiyaa and its constitution. Thus, the struggle that is led by the Oromo Liberation Front is for the realization of the right of national self-determination up to and including independence for Oromiyaans. Any negotiation that does not recognize this right of the Oromiyaans will not be acceptable by any independent minded generation. Therefore, creating fruitless tension based on pride and prejudice helps only succession of dictators detrimental to peace, stability and development of the region. Even in this age, there are provocateurs who are out to create dissension among Oromo and other people living among them to justify continuation of the empire system. It is arrogant non Oromo who do as they were told and humiliate the kind people they live with provoking rage. For this, they have scattered agents among people who live in peace together. Those have tried to agitate alien to despise and humiliate the Oromo who had lived supporting them. With impeding danger, the impetuous may be harmed. Provocateurs who escape the force of law and those maneuvering those from distance may wait for their time to get exposed. Unassuming Oromiyaans will move on living together struggling for the liberation and development of Oromiyaa. Oromiyaa was a land of the rule of law and Gadaa democracy from time immemorial. Those are the principles that guide Oromo activists. The OLF has assured its support for peaceful and cooperative coexistence with its neighbors and the world. It has even provided for the possibility of political union based on mutual respect for each other’s national interests. Its method of struggle is peaceful political and armed struggle when necessary. Because the Ethiopian atmosphere does not allow peaceful struggle, it had reverted to armed struggle since 1974. It has tried several times to resolve existing conflict peacefully, but in vain. The OLF only defends the people against armed aggressors, and never harmed unarmed civilians, not for fear of repercussions, but because that is safuu (unethical and criminal) in Oromo customary law and culture. Oromo may not be merciful in battlefield, but never harsh outside it even on captives. Oromo loves if all peoples join it as brothers and sisters with equal rights as a matter of tradition. To try to impose ones will on another is inhuman for the Oromo. As mentioned, OLF had come reasserting its position on peaceful resolution of conflicts with all those who accept Oromo’s right to national self-determination. This, it believes, is a universal right that no one should be denied. Evidence for this is the Paris Conference of 1993 where it agreed to participate in another conference to be held in Finfinnee after the opposition accepted that right. But the government imprisoned member of its delegation, and the agreement was betrayed by opposition groups that participated in the conference. The make believe constitution of the incumbent power has provided for this right, but no one will expect implementation from a false instrument. Most aspirants to replace the present government are against this provision however fictitious it might be. Whether Wayyaanee implements it or not, article 39 of its constitution is a human right provision and to oppose it is inhuman for any one and even traitorous when it comes from members of colonized peoples. Habashaa politicians oppose article 39 because of the recognition of the colonial peoples separate identity, which they so far came suppressing. They are still unable to part with their feudal imperial past while the colonies had broken their leash and will never get back to it. Such reactionary attitude has hindered peoples of the region from uniting to speak in one voice as Africans. Africa is now being threatened by recolonization. Not only their shortsightedness, but also powers across the sea do not want them to speak in one voice. There are compradors among Africans who are ready to sell her out. It is high time that peoples of the region get down to negotiation table and resolve conflicts among them. For this, it is up to Habashaa elites to demystify the story of their glorious past and lead their followers to make peace with all by redressing for past mistakes. Unless questions each group raised are addressed, it would be naiveté or contempt to think of moving each from positions one came paying great sacrifices for. With positive thinking to understand each other peace could ascend. It will help to take away African wealth others hanker after and stop any conspiratorial machinations if only African peoples can stand hand in hand. All the big powers and big economies of the world prefer to maintain the status quo in each African country irrespective of human right abuses by the rulers. Some justify such stand as not interfering in internal affairs of a country. But they do not apply the same standard when they supply the abusive government with arms, training and budget for defense and security. They prefer lubricating the engine of dictatorship as far as that serves their national interest. They come to Africa to exploit its resources, not to alleviate the suffering of its people. They do not feel they are dealing with bandits who are holding up the legitimate owners. Recently, the butchers of Finfinnee have slain Oromo students, teachers, doctors and children en masse not more than fifty miles away from where they sit in meeting with U.S. Secretary of State. Oromo nationals all over the world had expressed their disgust to all powerful governments through peaceful demonstrations. Despite having that information, leading butchers of Oromo children were invited to U.S.-AFRICAN Leaders summit meeting at the White House. Because all are of the same type, no one among the African leaders protested sitting with the butchers. It is known that international relations depend on strength and wisdom of the actors. No one will be willing to be partner with weak unreliable groups. But that does not justify condoning crime and entertaining heads of “terrorist states.” Oromiyaa has share of all the major religions. The Oromo are never known for extremism or fanaticism. Majorly they are centrists. There could be some adversaries of Oromiyaa who, based on significant number of its Muslim nationals, want to bias the world against it. Any assertion not based on empirical facts could certainly lead to wrong judgment. Extremism is detrimental, not only for world peace, but more so for the fledgling Oromo revolution. Therefore, just like it defends itself against the occupier, it is also to its interest to be ever vigilant against the rise of extremism from any quarter. For the Ethiopian regime, any group that is opposed to its repressive rule is “terrorist” – a term that makes the paranoid raising their ears. The major victims of such allegations are Oromo nationals. They are being labeled as supporters of a liberation organization they unilaterally declared “terrorist”. This certainly will have a backlash whose consequence could be beyond their imagination. How one might respond from instinct of survival could be devastating and unprecedented. All have to rest assured that the failure not to listen to Oromo plight is possible to change their disposition. To common man’s knowledge “terrorism” is an unpredictable senseless violent action against the unarmed innocent, not expecting people at a place and time they never dream of. This could be with kidnappings, explosions, scary sounds or cruel and painful public executions. That, by no standard, should include people who put up resistance against forces of an oppressive terrorist regime. But nowadays, it is extended to cover all those who conduct armed struggle or intend to conduct one against aggressor’s losing the purpose for which it was originally coined. The big powers are at war with terrorism. Any willing partner in the campaign is appreciated. Due to this, they are easily fooled by brutal regimes that mention the code word “terrorist” that can put them into blind action. Terrorism may require definition by international forum before it is taken to mean all the people out of power triggering genocide and turning the victims to more violent response. Oromo, as a nation, or its political organizations never laid their hands on innocent persons of any race or creed. They have no national disposition to be terrorists though their courage is boundless in the battlefield. That is why no third party has corroborated enemy defamations. We may hear protests from world politicians against government imprisoning some persons for freedom of expression, but for thousands of Oromo unlawfully herded into prisons or killed alleged being “terrorists” they are silent. Material benefit supersedes what they brag about as “their sacred democratic values,” politics dominating principles. Because some parties in Europe are called Christian Democratic it does not mean they are crusaders with intention of proselytizing by the sword. In the same way, if an Oromo liberation movement call itself “Islamic” or “Waaqeffannaa” Front for Liberation of Oromiyaa – it should not be treated differently. For one thing, so called “Islamists” are not nationalist organizations. They are internationalists. Therefore, an organization for liberation of Oromiyaa cannot be branded as “Islamist” for inserting Islamic into its name. The founder of the frequently referred to defunct organization (Let his soul rest in peace) was loved and honored by his people as a national hero. Oromo liberation movement has rallied Oromo of all regions and religions, and they are paying the ultimate sacrifice in unison. It will be disingenuous to try to divide them in region or religion. All people of the empire, whether they are the Southern Peoples, including the Oromo, Sidaama, Afar, Somali or others, desire to live in peace and dignity with freedom from hunger and abuses. The common Habashaa people are no different from the others in their desires. But it is the ruling elite in and out of power that had lived on the sweat and resources of other nations that had remained obstacle to freedom of any sort for the past more than a hundred years. All wars were their wars, not peoples’ wars. We say to bring peace and freedom to the region that empire must be dismantled to release all those put under its grip without their will and only those who are free would negotiate for future relations. For them, this position is backward, secessionist and reactionary. Africa is under threat of being shared out among the rich from overseas. If one cannot stop them, one has to at least be able to negotiate better terms for Africa. But when it remains difficult to create understanding within a region to talk of Africa remains a dream; dream we say may one day be fulfilled. Until then, the people will go on bleeding, but dreaming about a bright future. Honor and glory for the fallen heroines and heroes; liberty equality and freedom for the living and nagaa and araaraa for the Ayyaanaa of our fore parents! Dhaabbii Keenyaa fi Kan Isaanii Dur dur bara barreessaan kun yero ijoollee ture namooti “Polotiikaa” (malbulcha) akka soba jechuutt ilaalu turan. Ilmoo namaa nagaan ni shakala hin se’amu. Kan baratan sana furaa gowwaatt ilaaluun ogummaa bulchaa godhanii dhiheessu. Gadaa kanatt yoo ilaallu furaan jara “gowwaa” kan dhugaatt hiiqu fakkaata. Kanaaf sobi dhugaa ta’eera. Kan aangoo, qubqabsiisii fi horii harkaa qabu sobee galuu danda’a. Yoo abbaa hirrooti bubbucuun waa’ee gocha yk abbaltii yakkaa saanii bu’aa ofii yk kan murnaa fudhachiisuuf soba adii gad dhiisanii mirkanii fi herrega mimicciran argan nama hin dhibu. Heeroti, qajeelfamootii fi ajajooti kan bahan abbaawummaa fi itt gaafatama abba abbaa agarsiisuuf jedhameetu, garuu dhugaan saa golgaa foddaa, laaqii duba jiru dhossuu tolfamani. Iyyaatiin finnaa fi qubqabsisoti gad dhiisan utuu yaada saanii fi madda saanii hin mirkaneeffatin liqimfamuu hin qabani. Caalaan saanii sobaa. Buusaaleen itt haanan gara garummaa walabummaa barbaachuu fi finnaa empayera demokratessanii akka jirutt tursuu agarsiisuufi. Garagarummaa kaayyoo taliila gidduu saani jiru juujuu qofatu hin argu. As irratt “keenya” jechuun kanneen walabummaa leellisan, “isaanii” jechuun mootummaa fi mormitoota amanamoo saa fi amanamoo ta’uuf deeman jechuufii. Qabee saaf utuu hin ta’in akka inni itt tolfamee jedhanii dhaabi Oromoo maqaa qaban heera Itophiyaa hofkalchan hin turree. Ummati nan tajaajila inni jedhu tolcha saa irratt qooda hin fudhanne. Kanaaf danbii keessaa dhaaba tokkoo irraa waan wayyu hin qabu. Dhimma tolfameef, seeraan bulmaata fakkeessuu, tajaajileeraa, tajaajiluttis jiraa. Saanan hawaasa addunyaa, kan gargaarsa haala duree malee kennaafii bahe komee irraa oolchuuf, sirni gola hedduu labsamee ture (ango 56). Jecha Habashaa “Indaayamaahi xiraawu, indayibalaa gifaawu” (Akka si hin komanne waamii, akka hin nyaanne dhiibii) jedhutt dhimma bahanii kan barbaadan keessaa hambisuu akka dandahan waan beekaniif itt hin canqamne. Kanaaf kennata gufachiisuun galmeeffamuu duraa jalqabee hanga darbansa duubaatt yayyabamee shaakalamaa ture. Sirna empayeraa irraa kana caalaa wanti eegamu hin jiru. Kennata qajeelaa fi bilisi hafee nagaan jiraachuu eeggachuunuu dordhummaa dha. Bulchooti akka wareegama saaniin aangoo argatan yeroo hunda beeksisuu.Yoo barbaadde akkuma keenyatt argadhu jechuu saaniiti. Karaa kanaan abaabilee saanii “shiftoota” irraa adda addummaa hin qabani. Yo dirqaman malee Habashaan waan dudhaa saanii fedhaan yoomuu gadi hin dhiisani jechuu dha. Kanneen heericha tokkummaa empayera kolonii Habashaa labsu fudhatan Wayyaaneen demokraatoftee dhiistee akka jarrii dhihaa jedhanitt “mormituu amanamtuu” ta’uun galmeeffamaniiru. Seena Habashaa keessatt mormituu tahu kan jedhamaniin yeroon itt waldandahame hin turre. Angoo kan fudhatu mormituu didaa qofaa. Kana mirkaneessuuf seenaa saanii Teedroosii kaasee hanga hardhaati kan nagaan angoo waljijjiran dhibuu ilaaluun ni gaha. Empayerri uumamuun dudhaa sana caalaatt gad jabeessee. Utuu buusaa qaama saatt hin caccabin seenaa keessatt empayerri demokratawe hin jiru. Kanaaf irbuun mormitootaa, hundaaf demokraasii fiduu, agarsiisa daguutii. Seenaa sana jijjiiruuf wareegama baasuun qooda koloneeffatamaa mitii. Akeeki mormituu seenaa sana jijjiiruu utuu hin ta’in kan aangoo irra jiru bakka bu’anii jajjabeesuu dha. Haasaan waa’ee demokraasii holola kennataatt akka minyaawu godhuu qofaa. Qabsoon cunqurfamaa gooftolii gidduu filachuuf utuu hin ta’in birmadummaa ofii gonfachuufii. Gabaabaatt garaagarummaan mormituu amanamtuu fi sochiin walabummaa, sochooti walabummaa ummatooti hundi nagaa, birmadummaa fi walabummaa akka barbaadan amanu. Kana argachuuf dura qabaa diinaa fi hacuucama jala bahuu qabu. Waa’ee ummatoota kolonummaa jala jiranii fi saba koloneeffataa yaaduuf tokko tokkoon saanii of bilisomsanii olla waliin dhoofsisuuf fedha walaba qabaachuutu irraa eegama. Oromoon kanneen akka walqixeett wal ilaalani fi fedha walii walii ulfeessan wojjin diriira dhoofsisaatt dhihaachuuf rakkina hin qabu. Yoos qofa kan isaan hariiroo saanii fuulduraa hala duree malee waliin dhoofsisuu kan danda’an. Mormituu kaan kaan Oromoon bilisummaa kanneen biraaf loluu fi empayericha demokratessuu irratt qooda fudhachuuf dirqama qaba jedhu. Walabummaa Oromiyaa ni mormu. Akeeki afoo mormituu amanamtuu mootummaa angoo irra jiru, Wayyaanee, fonqolchanii bakka bu’uu dha. Sochoota walabummaaf qabattee guddaan mootummaa fonqolchuu utuu hin tahin empayera diiganii bilisummaa kanneen jala jiranii mirkaneessuu dha. Sun dhoofsisaan yk qabsoo hidhannoon dhugoomuu dandaha. Waan hogganoota empayerichaa ilaalutt turfachuu haa tahu kosiitt dabuun dhimma ummata saniiti. Oromiyaa walabi yoo gaafatame olloota karaa saanii barbaaduu irratt gargaaruu danda’a malee bulchoota hin filuufii. Tokkummaan ofuma saan nafii fixataa hin qabuu, yoo kan tokkoomuuf deeman fedha fixataa qabaatan malee. Akka biraatt, walqixxummaa ummata hundaa fudhachuu, mirga saanii hiree sabummaa ofii ofiin murteeffachu fi seeraan bulmaataa fudhachuun haala waa hunda dursuu qabu. Sochooti bilisummaa, dhibamuun mirga murnaa, mirga abba tokkootaa irratt dhiibbaa qaba jedhu. Kanaaf tokko kan biraa malee dhahamuu hin danda’uu. Mormitootaaf mirgi abbatokkee kan murnaa sirreessuu dandaha. Sana jechuun isaan waa’ee mirga abba tokkee waliigalaa malee kan walabummaa Oromiyaa hin dubbannu jedhu. Gaaffii sabaa, waldaa dubartii, waldaa qotee bulaa, iddirii kkf waliin tarree galchu. Sochooti bilisummaa yoo koloneessitummaan see hin raawwanne Itopiyaan demokratawuu hin dandeessu jedhanii amanu. Kan mootii amma jiru bakka bu’u fedu, bulchaan isaan addda tahuu hin dandahu. Empayerri humnaan malee hin bulfamu. Kan Wayyaanee bakka bu’u hundi tokkummaa empayeraa humnaan tissue malee dhugaa amma jiruun utu diddaa sabboonotaa gara jabinaan gadi hin qabin bulchuu hin danda’u. Kanaaf maqaa jijjiiruu yoo hin ta’in ummatoota Itophiyaaf garagarummaan fidan hin jiraatu. Kanneen hawaasa sabgidduu fi sabboonotatt sagantaa keenya gurgurre gargaarsa argamsiifna jedhan isa angoo irra jiru hanga nama locutt komachuu fi tokkummaa tokkummaa jechuu malee qurrama gurguddaa jiruuf filmaati dhiheessan hin jiru. Xaxaa dudhaa imperial beekamaa irraa gargar of baasuu dandeenye. Gaagaa barbaachisu fudhatanii gargar bahuu irra, lakkuu walitt maxanani dhalatan tahanii hafuu filataniiru. Akka maqaan saa agarsiisutt ABOn bilisumaa Oromoof dhaabbata. Ilaalchi addunyaa inni qabu akka sagantaa malbulchaa saa irratt agarsifame. Amantee jabaa kan Oromiyaa irratt saba Oromoo qofatu moo’ummaa qaba jedhu irratt hundaawaa. Kanneen danuu seenaan jiraattota Oromiyaa tahan biroon hanga moo’ummaa Republika Walaba Oromiyaa fi heera see fudhatanitt Oromiyoo dha. Egaa qabsoon ABOn gaggeeffamu mirga hiree ofii ofiin murteeffachuu sabaa hanga walabummaati Oromiyoof mirkaneessuuf. Dhoofsisi mirga Oromiyoo kana hin beekiniif, dhaloota sammuu walaba qabu kamiinuu fudhatama hin qabaatu. Kanaaf rifaatiin firii hin qabne boonaa fi jibba hin taane irratt hundaawe kan gargaaru wal dhaala abbaa hirrootaa, nagaa, tasgabii fi misaa godinichaaf hubaa tahe qofaa. Itt fufa empayeraa raggaasisuuf bara kana illee kanneen tuqii tahan, Oromoo fi halagaa nagaan waliin jiraatan walitt naquuf yaalan jiru. Kanaf keettoo ofirroo ummata nagaan jiraatan gidduu facaasaniiru. Isaan sun namoota nagaan jiraataan Oromoo isaan dandahe jirachise tuffachuu fi salphsuutt akka bobba’an kakaasuu yaalaniiru. Hamaa gahun jarjaraan hubamuu dandaha. Tuqiin adaba seeraa jalaa miliqxuu fi kanneen halaalaa tuttuqan saaxilamuuf bara eggatu. Oromiyoo nageeyyiin waliin jiraataa qabsoo bilisummaa fi misooma Oromiyaatt bobba’u dandahu. Oromiyaan yeroo hin beekamnee kaasee biyya seeraan bulmaataa fi Gadaa demokrasii turte. Akeekota sana kan qabsaawota Oromoo masaku. ABOn nagaa fi gamtaan olla fi addunyaa waliin jiraachuuf deggeruu saa mirkaneesseera. Tokkummaan malbulchaa dantaa sabaawaa walii waliif kabajuu irratt hundaawe ummachuun akka dandahamus lafa kaa’eera. Tarsimoon saa qabsoo nagaa fi barbaachisaa yoo ta’u hidhannooti. Haalli Itophiyaa keessa jiru qabsoo nagaaf waan hin tolleef 1974 ka’ee qabsoo hidhannoott bobba’e. Ala hedduu rakkina jiru nagaan furuu yaalee hin milkoofne. ABOn buubaa hidhatee dhufe ummata irraa facisa malee ummata hin hidhanne nagaa irratt harka saa kaasee hin beeku kunis daafa sanaan dhufu sodaachuun utuu hin ta’in seera dudhaa Oromoo fi aadaan safuu waan ta’eefi. Oromoon dirree diliitt namaa hin hilu ta’a isaa alatt garuu boojuuttillee hin bu’u. Oromoon nammi hundi akka dudhaa saatt obbolummaan mirga walqixeen yoo itt dhufan ni jaaldhata. Oromoof fedha ofii kan biraa irrati fe’uun daba. Akka olitt himamett ABOn dhaabbii kanneen mirga Oromoo hiree ofii ofiin murteeffachuu fudhatan waliin waldhibdee nagaan fixachuu agarsiisaa dhufe. Kun mirga ilmoo namaa halle dhuunfataa eenyuu hin qoqobamne tahuu amana. Kora Paris 1993 irratt mormitooti mirgicha erga fudhatanii Kora Shaggar irratt argamuuf waliigaluun kanaaf ragaan tokko. Garuu mootummaan miseensa jila saa yoo hidhu waligaltechis murnoota mormitootaa walgahaniin ni ganame. Heerri fakkeessaa kan aangoo irra jiruu bilisummaa walgahii tumeera; garuu hojii irra olchama jedhee dhooftuu sobaa irraa enyuu hin eeguu. Kanneen bulcha jiru bakka bu’uuf dharra’aa jiran aangoo tumaa kanaa hagam soba tahus ni mormuu. Wayyaaneen hojii irra oolchee dhiisee aangoon heera saa 39 tumaa mirga ilmoo namaati. Sun maaf heera irra ta’aa jedhanii mormuun eenyuufuu namummaa bahuu yoo tahu sun ilmaan koloneeffamoon mormame taanaan gantummaa taha. Malbulcheessitooti Habashaa kan aangoo 39n mormaniif eenyummaan kolonooti addatt qaban isaaniin ukkaamamaa bahe akka hin beekamneefi. Yeroo kolonooti takaallaa kutatanii lamuu itt hin deebinu jedhanittt isaan hardhallee dubbee saanii fudalii imperiyalummaa irraa gargar bahuu hin dandeenye. Ilaalcha duubatt hafaa akkasiiti akka ummati Afriikaa sagalee tokkoon hin dubbatanne kan tolche. Afriikaan si’ ana keessa deebii kolenoomaan doorsifamaa jirtii. Fageessanii ilaaluu dadhabuu saanii qofa utuu hin ta’in humnooti garba gamaas akka isaan afaan tokkon hin dubbane fedhu. Afriikaa keessas keetoleen isee gurgurachuuf qophawan jiru. Ummatooti naannaa rakkina gidduu saanii jiru gad ta’anii dhoofsisun furmaata argamsiisuun amma. Gurguddooti Habashaa durdurii surraa saanii durii gatanii kan darbe sirreessuun hundaan nagaa buusuuf hordoftoota saanii masakuu qabu. Gaaffiin tokko tokkoon murnootaa gaafatan deebi utu hin argatin ejjennoo saanii aarsaa guddaa itt baasaa dhufan jijjiiru jedhanii eeguun gowwummaa yk tuffii dha. Wal qayyabachuuf yaadi toolaan jiraannaan nagaan ni bu’a. Ummatooti Afrikaa yoo harka walqabatanii ka’an qabeenya jarri kaan gorora coccobsaniif irraa buufachuu fi akka xaxaa sadoo kukutan gargaaraa. Aanga’ooti fi diinagdooti guguddoon addunyaa, namoota mirga ilmoo namaatt roorrisaniin bulfamanuu haalli biyyoota Afrikaa keessa jiru akkuma jirutt turuu saa barbaadu. Kaan kaan kan sababfatan dhimmaa keessaa biyyootaa quba hin keenyu kan jedhu. Garuu yero jaraaf meeshaa lolaa, leejjisa fi bajeta ittisaa fi qaruuteef kennan hangammeessa walfakkaataa hin hordofani. Hanga dantaa saanii eegsisaniifitt hallekaas (mootora) abbaa hirrummaa cululuqsuu leellisuu. Afriikaa kan dhufan qabeenya see bolquufi malee gadadoo ummata see dandamachiisuuf miti. Saamtuu, ummata seeraan abbaa itt ta’e qabde waliin akka dubbachaa jiran itt hin dhagahamu. Dhiheenyuma kana bakka Ministeera alaa FAT (USA) waliin walgahaa turan irraa mayila shantama caalaa hin fagaannett qalooti Finfinnee barattoota Oromoo, barsiisota, cireessota fi ijoollee lakkoofsa hin qane gad ciraa turani. Namoota dhiiga ummata bulchanii lolaasaa jiran akka lolaa walfakkaataa Sudaan kibbaatt tahaa jiru dhaabsisan mari’atanii ka’an. “Dajaach Habtee egaa hin galtee sattee boongaa galafatee dubbiin busee karaatt haftee?” jedhan jedhama warri Anfilloo. Sabbonoti Oromoo addunyaa keessa jiran hundi aarii saanii mootummoota anga’oo hundatt ifsataniiru. Iyyaatiin sun utuu jiruu qaliin ijoollee Oromoo walgahii “US-AFRICA Leader Summit” jedhamu galma mootumma Amerikaatt afaramani. Hunduu akka walii waan ta’aniif kan ijoollee qaluu waliin hin teenyu jedhanii hogganoota Afrikaa keessaa kan morman hin turre. Hariiroon sabgidduu jabinaa fi beekumsa taatotaa irratt akka hundaawuu beekamaa dha. Kan murna dadhabaa hin amanamne miiltoo godhatu hin jiru. Garuu sun yakka oofkalchuu fi mataa “shororkeessotaa” bashannansiisuuf hayyama hin kennu. Oromoon amantoota guguddaa hunda of keessaa qabu. Gamummaa fi karisummaan hin beekamani. Caalaan saanii gidduutt of harkisu. Hamajaajoti Oromoo baayyina lakkoofsa nambiyyoota Oromiyaa mosliman irraa ka’uun addunyaa baragsiisuu yaalan jiru. Jechi mirkanii hin taane irraa ka’u hundi murtii dogoggoraatt geessuu dandaha. Karisummaan nagaa addunyaa qofaaf hamaa kan ta’u osoo hin taanee warraaqsa Oromoo ol adeemaa jiruufillee hubaa dha. Kanaaf akkuma kan Oromiyaa qabatee jiru of irraa kaasuuf godhu karisummaa kara fedhee dufus dammaqee eeggachuun dantaa saatii. Bulcha Itophiyaaf kan hacuuccaa saan mormu hundi “gooltuu” dha jechuun akka hundi gurra qeensu tolcha. Gaaga’amtooti kanaa garri caalaan sabboonota Oromooti. Ragaa qabataman utuu hin jiraatin deggertuu gooltuu jedhamanii booqaan itt maxxansame jira. Kun duubatt dhiittachuun, itt bahisaa kan se’an irraa fagoo akka tahuu ifaa dha. Nammi tokko hagam sarmaa ta’ullee yeroo keenyanitt hirkifamu hobbaatii saa kan beeku hin jiru. Akki itt dhalootee of oolchuun nammi deebii itt kennu mancaasaa fi kan kanaan dura hin argamne ta’uu dandaha. Gadooda Oromoo dhaggeeffachuu dhabuun miira saanii jijjiirisuu akka dandahu beekamuu qaba. Beekumsa nama taraaf “gooltummaan” haala dursee hin beekamne haleellaa utuu hin yaadin nama nagaa hin hidhanne irratti bakka fi yeroo isaan abjuunuu hin yaadnett tolfamu. Kun buta, dhoosa, sagaleen sodaachisaa yk ajjeechaa haamaa fi laala qabeessa ta’uu dandaha. Sun karaa fedheyyuu qabsoo ummataa roorrisaa ofirraa ittisuuf tolfamu dabalachuu hin qabu. Si’ana garuu furaan saa kan roorrisaa irratt qabsoo hidhannoo gaggeessan hunda akka golgu godhamee jira. Aanga’oo gurguddan “Goolii” irratt lola gaggeessaa jiru. Dulaaf miltoon fedha qabu ni hawwatam. Kana irraa kan ka’e bulcha roorrisootaa kan maqii “gooltuu” jedhu dhahaniin salphaatt gowwomuun duruunfatanii gochaaf sardamuu dandahu. Utuu namoota aangoo irra hin jirre hunda jechuu ta’uun fixaqacceett hin geessinii fi midhamtoota hamaa caalaatt hin dhiibin maal jechi shororkaa (goolii) yabboo sabgidduutt furamuu gaafata. Kan malee hariiroo sabgidduu hubuu dandaha. Oromoon akka sabaatt yk dhaaboti malbulchaa saa namoota nagaa sanyii fi amantee kamuu irratt harka kaafatanii hin beekanii. Yoomallee dirree dilitti jannummaan saanii daangaa hin qabaatin gooltuu ta’uuf miira sabaawaa akkasii hin qaban. Kanaafi maqaballeessa diinaaf qaammi sadaffaan raga bahu kan hin jirreef. Malbulchessoti Addunyaa caba mirgi of ibsuu namoota hanga tokko irra hidhaa gaheef mootummaa yoo balaaleffatan ni dhageenyaa, garuu Oromoo kumoota sobaan gooltuu jedhamanii hidhaatt guuramanii fi ajjeefaman callisanii darbuu filatani. Bu’aan waatattaa kan isaan nafii keenya ulfooo jedhanii dhaadatan caaleef jechuun malbulchi kaayyoo irra haanuu jechuu dha. Golooti malbulchaa tokko tokko “Kiristiyaan Demokratic” jedhamaniif seefiin kirri namatt hidhu jechuumitii. Akkasumas yoo sochiin bilisummaa Oromoo “Adda Islamaa yk Adda Waaqeffannaa kkf. Bilisummaa Oromoo”yoo ofiin jedhe addatt ilaalmuu hin qabu. “Islamist” kan jedhaman ijaarsa sabaawoo mitii. Sabgiddeessoo dha. Kanaaf ijaarsi bilisummaa Oromiyaaf dhaabbate qooqa Islamik jedhu itt suteef gubaan “Islamist” jedhamuu itt bahuu hin qabu. Bu’ursaan jaarmaa amma hin jirree yeroo hunda dhahamu (lubbuun saa qabbana haa ciistu) akka goota sabichaatt kan beekamu ummata saan jaallatamaa fi ulfaataa kan ture. Sochiin bilisummaa Oromoo, Oromoo godinaa fi amantee adda addaa hiriirsee wareegama dhumaa waliin baasaa jiru. Godinaa fi amanteen isaan gargar baasuu yaaluun sobduu ta’uu dha. Ummati empayerichaa hundii ummatoota kibbaa kan Oromoo, Somaalee, Affaaryk kanneen biro dabalatu nagaafi ulfinaan beela fi roorroo irraa bilisa ta’anii jiraachuun hawwa saaniiti. Ummati Habashaa taraan, kana irraatt hawwaan garaagarummaa hin qaban. Garuu waggoota dhibban darbaniif kan birmadummaatt gufuu tahani hafan gurguddoo Habashaa aangoo irraa fi alaa dafqaa fi qabeenya saboota biraan jiraataa bahanii. Lolooti hundi kan ummataa utuu hin ta’in kan saanii turani. Nuti nagaa fi birmadummaa godinichaa fiduuf empayerichi diigamee kan fedha ofii malee qabaa saa jala jiran hundi gad dhiifamanii hariiroo fulduraaf birmadu kan tahantu dhoofsisa jenna. Isaan ejjennoo kanan duubatt hafaa, fottoqsaa fi dubatt harkisaa dha jedhu. Afriikaan dureeyyii garba gamaaf qircamuuf dorsifamaa jirtii. Nammu yoo isaan dhaabu hin dandeenye Afrikaaf keessaa waa buusuuf dhoofsisuu dandahuu qaba. Garuu godinaa keesssatt utu wal qayyabannoo uumuun hin dandahamin waa’ee Afriikaa dubbachuun abjuu dha; abjuu gaaf tokko guutinna jennu. Hangasitt namooti dhiigaa jiraatu, garuu dhalootaa dhalootatt waa’ee egree ifaa abjoochuun itt fufa. Ulfinaa fi surraan gootota kufaniif; walabummaa, walqixxummaa fi bilisummaan kan hafaniif; nagaa fi araarri Ayyaana abboolii fi ayyoliif haa tahu!
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 20:43:12 +0000

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