Ice Bucket Challenge. I am NOT trying to be a DICK, but this - TopicsExpress


Ice Bucket Challenge. I am NOT trying to be a DICK, but this ice bucket challenge thing, yeah that is very nice, raising money to help people with ALS, but if you did some research, into some alternative stuff, you would find this.... Rife frequency 864 can treat/cure ALS. rexresearch/rife/rifebeam.htm Also It literally took me 5 minutes to find sources/references, but I did already know about these kinds of research. Fund raising is not about finding cures, it is about money. Its nice people want to participate, but FFS find REAL cures. There are thousands of these types of frequency machines that can do just about ANY job, and cure ANY disease. They are swept under the rug because CURES do not bring repeat business. One of these machines costs $3,000.00 to build, and can probably be made cheaper and just as effective. I am always talking about neuro-bio-feedback, which is using the body as the resonator. If one person built or acquired a rife machine, he could treat thousands upon thousands of people, for the cost of the electricity to run it. Oh yeah, put on it a free energy device or accumulator, and it runs itself without electricity. By the way people I am a Dick. Anyone with a disease, if you seriously cared about your health, you would not settle with a Doctors answer. You would take control of your life, and research and FIND ANSWERS. Or you can go to a Dr.s office and have them kiss your boo boos for you. Or run to your govt who is manufacturing diseases that KILL people.
Posted on: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 21:16:02 +0000

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