Iceland is trying to set a new global-standard of living in which - TopicsExpress


Iceland is trying to set a new global-standard of living in which ordinary people can take back their lives and their nations from the privatized-powers that have stolen everything from people everywhere else. Obviously the ancient rule of the “Totally-corrupted ruling classes” worldwide must be stopped. Interestingly Americans did that when we put chains on the Robber-Barons after they crashed so many U.S. banks in 1929. Those Outlaws have been slaving away to since 1929 to regain their illegal-dominance over people everywhere, to the point now where they are about to “legalize” the unthinkable idea of Global-Corporate-Nationhood to go with the already-illegal idea of Global-Corporate-Personhood. The scheme is called the Trans-Pacific-Partnership or TPP, which Obama is trying to fast-track in SECRET, as this comment is being written. If he succeeds then people will no longer have any rights at all in that criminal-world which will soon be run by privatized Corporate-Nations Only: You might want to think long and hard about that. rense/general96/obsolete.html
Posted on: Mon, 09 Dec 2013 17:08:48 +0000

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