Icelanders are among the happiest and healthiest people on Earth. - TopicsExpress


Icelanders are among the happiest and healthiest people on Earth. They publish more books per capita than any other country, and they have more artists. They boast the most prevalent belief in evolution — and elves, too. Iceland is the world’s most peaceful nation (the cops don’t even carry guns), and the best place for kids. Oh, and they had a lesbian head of state, the world’s first. Iceland is also the best place to have a uterus, according to the folks at the World Economic Forum. Over time, Scandinavian countries became modern social democratic states where wealth is more evenly distributed, education is typically free up through university, and the social safety net allows women to comfortably work and raise a family. Scandinavian moms aren’t agonizing over work-family balance: parents can take a year or more of paid parental leave. Dads are expected to be equal partners in childrearing, and they seem to like it. blogs.reuters/great-debate/2013/10/31/why-scandinavian-women-make-the-rest-of-the-world-jealous/
Posted on: Sat, 16 Nov 2013 09:33:55 +0000

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