Id like some feedback on a situation that developed today at - TopicsExpress


Id like some feedback on a situation that developed today at PACC... Because the shelter was open earlier in the morning than usual, us dog walkers couldnt get all the dogs out before people began arriving. As a result, it was very difficult to maneuver dogs out to be walked, especially in the tent. One of the dogs I walked was so excited about wanting to visit with one of the interested parties that I had a very hard time getting her back into her kennel. And then I had an equally hard time getting out, with the result that she escaped out of the kennel, ran through the tent, and then attacked another dog. Some members of the public had to help break up the fight before I could catch her with a leash and haul her back to the kennel. But the struggle wasnt over...I then had to wrestle her down to prevent her from escaping again while I tried to get out. No one was around to help until I flagged down a visitor and asked him to get the sole PACC employee in the tent to assist. Even she had a hard time getting out of the kennel once she let me out and I was guarding the door. So, my question is...should dog walking be suspended when PACC is open for adoptions? It seems too dangerous to me. Myself, the PACC employee, and the members of the public who assisted all could have been hurt. As it was, I saw blood on myself that came from the dog, so i reported that so the dog could be examined for injuries. I have no idea who the dog was that was attacked!
Posted on: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 02:03:46 +0000

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