Id like the option to choose what I fund with my tax dollars. - TopicsExpress


Id like the option to choose what I fund with my tax dollars. Education or a war? Dont you just love it when the pols simplify the tax code, and it ends up being 300 pages longer? And dont you just love the fact that the pols NEVER say we cant afford something, well just have to save up for it like real budgeters? And dont you just love that the first thing usually cut is education so we have money for all the boondoggles the pols get us into? And dont you just love that the pols sit at 20 foot long tables in throne like chairs for committee meetings? I could have run my special ed. program for two or three YEARS for what one of those chairs cost. And dont you just love that there are secret budgets for the NSA and CIA (amongst others) that we never find out about? Dont you just love riders on bills that are nothing more than pork barrel funds for some pol to look good in his home state? Finally, dont you just love the fact that it is NOT illegal for a pol to profit from insider information they are privy to to enrich themselves in the stock market, but you and I would be arrested for doing the same thing. Meanwhile, we need jobs and our infrastructure is crumbling, but the pols dont see the natural connection/solution to this problem. I am so pleased that the very top percents income increased close to 20% this year, and they are getting most of the real tax breaks. This would be more bearable if they were creating jobs at a 20% rate, but theyre not. Theyre busy trying how to figure out how to move their businesses to avoid US taxes. BWAH HA HA HA HA. Im beginning to see what evil lurks in the hearts of some men.
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 19:57:52 +0000

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