Id like to confess a Facebook sin, although it was inadvertent. I - TopicsExpress


Id like to confess a Facebook sin, although it was inadvertent. I posted photos of our Christmas trees, and now that I look at them I realize I managed the only possible shots which might convey the idea that I have things together. And who, pardon, me, who needs THAT shit right now? Who needs to see a together post when were all every one of us at our least togetheredness, organizationally speaking? i am so, so sorry. that was never my intention. Thus in the interest of honesty, I will tell you that my kitchen floor has mysterious sticky places. Many of them. So many that theyre starting to merge. Well, they were sticky before they became covered with dog hair. Now, not so much. My kitchen counters? I remember seeing them in July. So I know theyre still there. I lost baby Jesus for the creche. Again. I thought He was in the utensil drawer but He isnt. This happened a few years ago and I went to a craft store where I discovered that inexplicably you could only buy Baby Jesi by the dozen. So I did. I put them in a few different places so Id be able to find at least one the next year. And I cant find them either. Its a little like Elf on the Shelf only not creepy- all year long you open a box or a drawer and there He is, waiting patiently. Kind of thought provoking actually in a good way, you know? But now I cant remember where. Every year right before guests come - as in, when the first car comes up the driveway - I gather up all the crap that mysteriously settles on every flat surface in the house and put it in a box to sort later. Pens. A comb. Sunscreen that never gets used anyway. Vaguely important papers. Things. And so on. There are seven of those boxes, unsorted, in the basement. So, from 2006. Yeah. make room for #8, guys. There are things in my fridge that cannot be identified. Id throw them out if they werent stuck to the shelves like superglue. Id move the couch to make more room for the Christmas tree but that would mean acknowledging whats under it, and I just dont want to. Relatives are asking what they can bring for dinner on Friday, and I cant answer the question because I still havent actually thought about what Im going to cook .For 20 people. that doesnt worry me, but I know it sometimes freaks everyone else out. To get into our house from the driveway, you need to walk through mud and step on bricks from a turned over sidewalk. There is a narrow path on the screened porch between all the market bins and boxes were going to burn later, and a crate full of beer, and some chicken poop, because three of them found the giant holes in the porch screens and have been hanging out on the porch with the cats. And pooping. Maybe well have chicken soup Friday. We have not managed to send Christmas cards since 2002. I still have the ones I bought that year. Theyre very pretty. I have fabric for a tablecloth for the big table. I havent actually hemmed the edges of it, and theyre starting to fray - because Ive used the tablecloth for eight years already, ragged edges and all. Id hem it, except the old sewing machine conked out and I bought a new one at Goodwill and havent tried it out yet. i bought it in February. Also, i dont want to admit that I need reading glasses to thread it. And you know what? Not one thing on this list actually bothers me. (Well, except for Lost Jesus. But He always shows up despite us, doesnt He?) So. I hope this makes you feel better about your messes and worries. None of us really has togetheredness at this time of the year. And thus, in a more important way, we all do. Forgive yourself for being human, and open your doors anyway. Love you all.
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 14:10:41 +0000

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