Id like to promote an idea that may seem a little off the wall so - TopicsExpress


Id like to promote an idea that may seem a little off the wall so bear with me. Also, I apologise for the length of this post but I cant seem to fit it in a nutshell. I want to create an ideal target for 2015 of a Parliament entirely comprising independent MPs with no party ties or agendas. This would render Parliament impossible to function under the current system but, because everyone will have cast a democratic vote, the system would have to change to accommodate this unique situation. There would be no party to claim a majority and every MP would be committed to the needs of their respective constituencies. As no one would be able to claim power, A Prime Minister would have to be established from among the MPs by some means and this would take some time to establish the most suitable candidate. In the interim, a coordinator would have to be appointed to take on the main functions and to oversee the running of government. However, this coordinator would have no actual powers and this would also be the case for the PM once established. It would be chaotic but not negative or destructive. Stick with this. Once the House is finally in order, the PM would be wholly dependent on ALL MPs votes to get any policy or law through. MPs (including the PM) would have to get votes from the constituencies on every aspect to establish a position on voting and MPs would vote accordingly. The power of Parliament would be transferred across the electorate (where power belongs) and no individual within Parliament would have any powers above any other MP (including the PM whose power normally comes from his or her authority as party leader to direct party members how to vote). No one would have the power to push through any law or policy without the approval and direct consent of the electorate. This would leave the corporate lobbyists out in the cold because there would be no one to lobby. All they could do is lobby their own MP the same as everyone else. It would be pointless bribing their MP because their MP would just have one vote. This would create an extremely weakened government, which, for some reason, many people think is a bad thing. Thatcher was a strong government. Blair was a strong government. Strong governments are dangerous. We dont want a government in POWER. We want a government in SERVICE. It would be more accountable and more democratic. No one would have to conceal mistakes because the electorate are making the decisions and must accept responsibility for them. Now I feel I need to stress why I think this is absolutely vital for 2015: I think that most people are now convinced that certainly each of the main parties share the same corporate agenda. In the unlikely event of one of the fringe parties getting in with a majority, it would be very soon be the same situation. Anyone in a position of power is a magnet for corporations who can afford to throw millions at a favourable policy and everyone is subject to temptation. The promise of a lucrative consultant position on the board after leaving office through the revolving door system is a powerful corrupting force. If anyone is in any doubt that the parties are actually one and the same and simply playing roles, consider recent events: Not too long ago, the press revealed that a figure of £25 billion was owed to the treasury in illegally withheld corporation tax by the wealthiest corporations. The government has chosen to ignore this and is shifting responsibility to HMRC who, in turn shifts responsibility to the chancellor and so on. However, more recently (and bear in mind that this is the year before a general election) the government has announced that it intends to cut the welfare bill by... guess how much? Yep £25 billion. Why this figure? Well, any other figure would not so immediately bring the injustice to mind. We might have forgotten about the unpaid corporation tax. We hear £25 billion and, hey! Where have we heard that figure before? They are rubbing our noses in the dirt. Why would they do this the year before an election? If winning an election mattered to the Tories, this is the time to start handing out sweeties, isnt it? Instead, they are effectively saying Dont forget what a bunch of heartless greedy bastards we are! But if, as most suspect, the parties are all in cahoots, then it doesnt really matter which party wins the next election, does it? What DOES matter is that, whichever party wins (probably Labour) does so by a massive majority. Whats the best way to ensure that Labour get a huge majority? Snatching a baby from a single mother and eating it live on national TV might be a little over the top but stealing £25 billion from the countrys poorest and most vulnerable while letting the worlds wealthiest off a tax bill of exactly the same amount comes in as a pretty good second.That should ensure a backlash reaction alright. So why is it so important that Milliband gets a huge majority? Thatcher got a sizeable majority and she all but smashed the unions, brought British miners to their knees, engineered the Falklands war to boost her waning popularity and deregulated the banks to start the feeding frenzy that has culminated in the economical mess were in now. Blair got an unprecedented majority and he abandoned the unions,, got into bed with the corporate big boys, took us into an illegal invasion of Iraq, introduced some pretty draconian laws restricting public freedom, retired a multimillionaire and left Tubby the Cuddly Bear to bale out the too big to fail banks with public money. WHAT HAVE THEY GOT PLANNED FOR US IN 2015??? The secret courts are already in place. Although it has yet to be used to its full extent, it is effectively a mechanism by which anyone can be arrested without being told the charges, tried with out being permitted to attend the hearing or see evidence against them, prosecuted and sentenced to imprisonment... without ever knowing why. A bit dangerous to use that yet but why is it in place? Surely we would be out on the streets in protest if such a device were ever used! Is that the legislation that the majority landslide victory is needed for? To have the power to push through legislation with minimal opposition that will see protest and even criticism of the government criminalised? Will people be forced to work for giant corporations on slave wages? Is this the birth of totalitarianism? Maybe not... but too many clues are there to suggest that it is. If we dont totally disempower Parliament in 2015, we might never get another chance. Thats why I think this is important. If youve stuck with this all the way through, thank you for reading this. If not, thank you for getting as far as you did and again, I apologise for the length of this post.
Posted on: Mon, 20 Jan 2014 02:43:02 +0000

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