Id like to read your quote from a book. It was published in 1941 - TopicsExpress


Id like to read your quote from a book. It was published in 1941 by Reynal Hitchcock Inc. Its title is my new order , the authors name Adolf Hitler. Edited with comentary by Raoul de Roussy de Sales. Published in New York. Begining in a commentary section on page 350: The first definite violation of the Versailles Treaty by Germany took place on March 16(Ides of March by chance* my comment and throw back to Ceaser, or I think Checkof would have pronounced it Czar;-) 1935, when Hitler decreed the re-establishment of universal military service. The timing office announcement was well planned. The day before, France had decided to extend her own military service from one to two years. Hitlers decision therefore could appears to reply to the French increase in military power. The shock in the democracies wss very great, however. For the first time, they had actually to decide on a positive course of action in the face of an open break of contract by Hitler. The decision they took was to serge as a model for all the future evasions and half-measures whicu were to lead them step by step to accept every new show of force on the part of the dictator as fait accompli. Meeting in Stresa in April, the French and Brittish delegates persuaded Mussolini to join the in lodging a protest with the League of Nations. This was considered a great diplomatic success. But the truth is that the formation of the so-called Stresa Front was a remarkable example of unrealism. The basic principle of the so-called front was not a show of strength or unity, but the demonstration on the part of the democracies of their belief that the dictators could be bought. It revealed one of the most serious miscalculations of their statesmen. At Stresa they overemphasized the power of Mussolini and underestimated that of Hitler. They believed that they could establish a new balance of power in Europe by taking Mussolini into their camp- thus isolating and paralyzing Germany. They believed the only way to repair the damage done to existing treaties was to make new agreements. To Hitlers first positive action, they merley opposed to vote of the League of Nations condemning Germany for violating a pact which Hitler himself had so often proclaimed he would not keep. Nothing could serve Hitler better. The Stresa Front showed that the democracies were unable to act according to their own principles. It showed, in fact, that they had no principles. In England and France, in attempting to placate Mussolini, the founder of fascism, gave proof that some of their statesmen-such men as Pierre Laval and Sir John Simon-were ready to go to any lengths to avoid facing a showdown. They were obviously still confident that bargains, signed agreements, and solemn protests would be enough to keep up the fiction of international law. When , a few days later, the same Pierre Laval signed a pack of assistance with Russia-the Franco-Soviet pact- further argument was given to Hitler to denounce the unscrupulousness and duplicity of the democracies. End Quote Just a side bar query. How did that Franco-Soviet pact workout for France?And Musollini, that went well right? And remind me, was it Stalin who betrayed Hitler or the other way around?And us and Stalin, no issues with that truce, right? Commies have always been above Nazis and Fascists, this is true. But only just above. More to the side really. Psst. They lie!!! Shhhh. Our state rep is up for grans in district four is up for grabs. Probably a good time to go more Davey Crocket( Yep, killed bears and laws) than Picard on this one. We have enough willing idiots and proletariates in office. I now know what Reagan meant by his party leaving him. Only problem is almost all national reps are left of center. They call themselves moderates. Conservatives arent opposed to change. Were opposed to changing what has sorked well in the past i.e lower taxxes. We are against changing and spending out of civic boredom, Dave Ettl. U dont want ti be like Socialist Seattle or Portland for that reason. If your bored try defending individual and state sovreinty. It diesnt mean anarchy. George Washington wrote Lafayette when considering whether or not to accept the office of President of the United States , I quote : .... If I can form a plan for my own conduct, my endeavors shall be unremittinly exerted, even at the hazard of the former fame or present popularity, to extradite my country from the embarrassment in which it is entangled for want of credit; and to establish a general system of policy, which if pursued will ensure permits listy to the Commonwealth. I think I see a path clear incorrect direct as a ray of light, which leads to the attainment of that object. Nothing but harmony, honesty, industry, and frugality, are necessary to make this a great and happy people. God bless stay educated.
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 07:10:01 +0000

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