Id like to take a minute and publicly thank / appreciate somebody - TopicsExpress


Id like to take a minute and publicly thank / appreciate somebody who is passionate, but also forwarding-thinking, generous, and a smart businessman. Chris Burgess from Lift The Bar: Fitness Mentoring is somebody who I have a tremendous amount of respect for. Not just because he runs a great program, but because of how he approaches his business. I havent agreed to do a webinar with his group yet (sorry man) because Im blankly turning down everything at the moment. He still remains positive and helpful. As many of you know I just released a new program alongside Jessie Mundell of Mundell Lifestyles at trainingnewmoms. Chris has been the programs biggest supporter. Not only did he provide a great video testimonial that were using on the sales page, but he also messaged me telling me that hed love to share the program. That was the beginning. He then offered for me to embed a webinar that he produced where he interviewed Jessie for his paid mentorship (theptdc/2014/09/z-postpartum-exercise-instruction-webinar/). He asked for nothing in return. I offered to link his page underneath and he was very thankful. That page (and his link) has been seen by 7,000 in the past day and a half. He then messaged later to say that he had not only shared the product from his page, but he put in some money to boost it on Facebook to ensure that his whole group sees it. He asked for nothing in return, simply saying that he thought the program was great and wanted it to get out to more people. In a World where the business model that people ascribe to seems to be If I do this for you I expect you to do this for me, Chris is a breath of fresh air. Think about it -- the guy paid 5 British pounds (GBP), allowed me access to something that he already had (free), and posted on Facebook (free). His program costs 26 GBP a month for a single person. I am sharing this message. It will be seen by a minimum of 2,000 on this page. I will also go out of my way to support and promote him on thePTDC where a single message will get seen by a minimum of 20,000 (and likely 50,000-100,000). These are all his target population. Lets recap -- because hes a nice guy, he just bought advertising to anywhere from 2,000-50,000+ of his direct population for 5GBP or less than 1/5 the cost of a single customer per month. Not only that, but I like the guy. Thats smart business. Its a simple equation. Do great work. Support great people. Look for ways to support great people at a time when you have an opportunity to escalate the relationship, like the release of a product or program. I recommend you check into Chris Lift the Bar Fitness Mentorship (liftthebar/). I do not get any financial compensation for this recommendation.
Posted on: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 15:09:30 +0000

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