Id like to take this status to briefly talk about the most - TopicsExpress


Id like to take this status to briefly talk about the most important person in my life, Peggy Reilly. Let me start by saying that Peggy is more than my mother, shes my hero... Like Wonder Woman (Sometimes she even wears a cape). She is everything I try to be every day and everything I hope to become. I have never and will never meet anyone as strong, caring, and invincible as she is... Like literally invincible, Im pretty sure she has died, like, 6 or 7 times. It is because of this woman and the endless things she has taught me that I am able to pursue my dreams without fear or trepidation (Atleast not a LOT of fear). My mother showed me how to laugh, to smile, to always find that silver lining in even the darkest of situations. My mother taught me how to sew and knit, build a porch, build a fire, cook for myself, and even how to build a house... Or tear one down... We like demolition. Most of all my mother taught me how to be a fighter. How to fight for my dreams, how to fight for my beliefs, and how to fight for my own happiness. I will never, in mine or anyone elses lifetime, be able to repay this woman for all the amazing things she has taught me. So, on this special day dedicated to her, all I can say is thank you, Mom. Thank you for teaching me that the best medicine is always laughter. Thank you for teaching me that money isnt everything. Thank you for teaching me how to stand up to bullies. Thank you for teaching me that you can never have too many shelves or bookcases (Even though you totally can). Thank you for always believing in me. Thank you for not only letting me be a dreamer but for showing me just how limitless those dreams can be. Most of all, thank you for being my hero. I love you, Mom. Happy Mothers Day.
Posted on: Sun, 11 May 2014 22:47:48 +0000

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