Id like to take this time to make a LOUD AND CLEAR announcement - TopicsExpress


Id like to take this time to make a LOUD AND CLEAR announcement because this seems to be a reoccurring issue and honestly Im pretty appalled that I even need to say this. But.. here it goes anyway. I DO NOT put my favorite band above my children and husband. Really people?! REALLY?! Im glad some of you think so highly of me! So let me just educate you on something here... Ive had issues recently with some CRAZY people online and due to this situation, I now post less and less about my children and our personal life because I am trying to KEEP THEM SAFE. Obviously this is hard for me since I am generally a very open book about everything. That is changing. Youre not going to hear about my personal life as much on here anymore. Sorry. But because THEY are my WORLD, Im doing this to keep them safe. Therefor, I will be posting more about my interests or other stupid non important things. If youre not interested in seeing these things.. feel free to delete me or hide me from your feed. People need to stop reading into facebook so much. Its freakin social media. Just because you read my status updates doesnt mean you know what goes on behind my computer screen. That is all.
Posted on: Fri, 18 Oct 2013 18:30:39 +0000

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