Id like to think that we all have a mentor in our lives that we - TopicsExpress


Id like to think that we all have a mentor in our lives that we can thank for helping us choose the right path in life. Ive had several, but the older I get the more I realize that Coach Brown was exceptional. Coach Brown was a teacher/coach at my junior high. We had to sign up to be in Athletics in 7th grade. From then on, most of our time was spent with her. She was our teacher and she coached every single sport we had. Im positive she spent more time with our Athletics group than she was able to spend with her family. Of course, being in 7th grade you have no idea the amount of sacrifice this entails. Especially since she was a single mom. Every afternoon late, every weekend, most of every holiday. As a parent, I cant even fathom it. In the middle of our adolescent hormones kicking in, she was teaching us the fundamentals of each sport and the sacrifice it meant to be on a team. When we moved to high school, she was able to advance with us. Coach Brown did everything she could to shape us into a winning team. I now realize that her biggest challenge was in raising us. I cant tell you how many bus rides we spent with her advising us on how to respect ourselves and others. How boys werent bad, but we needed to say NO. She spent most of the track meets making sure we werent spending our free time making bad decisions with the track boys at the meet. She visited with my parents at my house often and I know she did the same with my other teammates. During a particularly rough year she made us all call in from our home phones (with our parents verification) for curfew. EVERY NIGHT! I love this women. Im sad I live far away as I would love to count this women as a friend and family member. I could tell you (but I wont) of at least two times where she kept me from making a decision that would have taken me down a life path that I now know would have been a mistake. Her door was always open. I hope and pray with all my heart my children will be blessed with teachers and coaches that loved and cared as much as Coach Brown. Im not even sure if its possible in the world we have created. Sandra Norris Brown- I miss you. I thank you. I attribute much of my happiness to you.
Posted on: Wed, 04 Jun 2014 19:21:32 +0000

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