Id like you to know that one of my young Gazan friends, who is - TopicsExpress


Id like you to know that one of my young Gazan friends, who is dear to me.... His family is trapped and one is wounded in one of the villages where there was a terrible massacre and RED CROSS cant get in to help because the Israeli military is shooting and bombing anything and everyone. Please. Do something. Call the local news stations, call the White House. Have candle light vigils. Its going on 48 hours and many are wounded and there is no food and water. Ill add - I HATE IT when people (Americans) start talking about how the government is crooked and how we cant do anything. THAT IS NOT WHAT OUR FOUNDERS DID! Talk about how its too hard to get anything done. NO!!! They took action! Damn it! Ive been up for nearly 17 days straight, taking naps and doing my best to wake Americans up to the the fact that our leaders are the terrorists and are committing crimes against humanity as I text this,,, and yes, Im tired. But, Im not dead.. and freedom runs through my veins as long as I breathe, God willing. WHAT ARE YOU DOING? Stop watching the genocide unfold before our eyes in our name. Have Courage and Speak Truth! Because if we cant do that.., America has no hope. Our children deserve better. DO SOMETHING!!!! SILENCE IS CONSENT #BDS4Justice #GenocideInGaza #pray_4_Gaza #free_palestine #gaza_under_attack #Journalism #News #ISupportGaza
Posted on: Thu, 24 Jul 2014 22:32:20 +0000

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