Id rather b alone... it is beta to b alone thn in a wrng company, - TopicsExpress


Id rather b alone... it is beta to b alone thn in a wrng company, show me who yo bst frnds r n I wil tel u who u r... if u run wth walls u will learn hw to hold, if associate wth eagles u wil learn hw to fly to gr8r hieghts. A mirror reflects a mans face bt th type of frnds he chooses reflects wht he truli is... b confident n bold, b positive n courages, b convince thn optimistic, b brve n fearless... the less u associate wth sum pple the mo yo life wil improve. Anytym u tolerate mediocrity yo own mediocrity increases, as u grow n improve sum of yo frnds wil not want u to leave thm behind, a frnd tht doz nt want u to climb wil dfinatli want u to crawl, yo friend can stretch yo vision or choke yo dreams... those tht dnt increase u wil dfinatly dcrease u, wori not about the gossip sureli thy must tok, neva b concerned whn thy stare at u, dnt blame yoself for u deserve beta... U r a star n u whr jz mde for shining, u r a wind n u whr created for nothing else bt blowing, u r a honey blame not yo swtness. Take charge of yo life or som1 else wil, regardless of wht u do sumbody s stil going to blame u, try nt to earn othr pples approval by wht u do, it s not whr u r cuming frm, it is whr u r going to. As a rose it is a standard to attract bees, u r a beauty created to b looked at so dnt mind a look, b th best coz th bst has long bin in u, neva receive councel frm an unproductive person, never discus yo failures wth pple who neva succedd wth their own troubles, neva follow any1 who s not going anywhr, never b a prisoner of other pples foolish and negative opinions about u... U r one n u n neva was thr one like u bfore. Stick wth winners n strive to improve and b above.. Ud rather b alone...
Posted on: Mon, 18 Nov 2013 11:59:16 +0000

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