Id really like feedback from everyone on this very important - TopicsExpress


Id really like feedback from everyone on this very important subject. A post long time coming. I am a professional dog trainer for my own company, and Ian and Kelly Dunbars SIRIUS Puppy Training- using science based methods with feeling as Ian calls it. I do a lot of privates locally and have waited to share feedback from clients until now. There is a local Petco, whose trainer has trained under CM, she is majorily using his methods and hierarchy dominance based mumbo. Over the past few years living in the same area I have heard many testimonials of poor practice, poor advice, and dogs who have suffered over her given word. This is from clients, potential clients, people I meet locally - dog owners at pet stores and dog parks, and other pet professionals. A little history on me- I worked for Petco for some time after their switch to positive methods. Their positive training curriculum was helped created by Patricia McConnell. They have a manual/SCRIPT written word for word what one would say to lead a class. Literally a huge book word by word down to the minute for each class. You dont have to be a real trainer to teach a Petco class, at the same time, it prevents deviation because it is so specific. There should be NO room for CM in a Patricia McConnell aided program. So- I have watched her classes and (oh god) free puppy socials I have seen and heard things for myself, not counting all the people who have told me about their experiences with her. I spoke to a manager of the store and they openly support her trained under CM, they also are convinced she is still positive, but balanced (a term I understand but would not use to define her methods). This is where I need advice- from the consumer (dog owners, Petco/pet store shoppers) and pet professionals (pet store trainers, independent trainers, or other pet related job). I have been suggested to do a couple things- call Petco corporate, call their district manager, or Patricia McConnell herself. But also have been advised that calling Petco I may sound like a bothered local competitor. There is no competition here, not between me and her. I fix dogs she has put her hands on and Im sick of hearing the stories/results. Most testimonials come from people who dont know any better, or wouldnt want to start any trouble. So I dont have anything on paper. So this may be moot- but I can attempt to gather video/audio/anonymous testimonial..... I live so close I just want to go over and wring her neck, but I have to keep professional composure and address this in a way that wont affect my reputation/business locally. I can expand if people have questions- phew I am going to end here and open it up to comments, getting a bit perturbed writing about it. Many thanks to those who have constructively contributed to the many good training topics here. I really appreciate your comments/ advice on this subject as I am at a loss for what steps to take next, I feel it would be wrong to do nothing.
Posted on: Sat, 25 Oct 2014 13:47:34 +0000

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