Identify the most important people in your life. I am not a - TopicsExpress


Identify the most important people in your life. I am not a good observer but i sometimes observe a break to thing of this few questions and how it influence my life so in same vein it may be useful for you to know. Who are the significant people in your life ,the people whose opinions means the most to you.these are your most influncers but still you need to know whether they are of positive or negative influence by asking yourself what does he think of me? ,what does he think of my future?,and how does he or she behave toward me in difficult times? A relationship that continue to be one sided will not be solid because one party will feel cheated and adversely avoid you. Once you have identify people who show you strengths and encourage your ambition then you need to spend more time with such people ,friend or spouse In prosperity our friends know us in adversity we know our friend proverb 27 A true friend knows your weakness but shows you your strengths feels your fears but fortifies your faith sees your anxieties but frees your spirit;recognises your disabilities but emphasizes your posibilities If you get knocked down ,good friend dont kick you or say i told you before now they raise you up and keep you going. If your friends arent doing any to you but instead all they do is to belittle your ambition and effort then they are not friends ,make new friends In frienship,even in marriage each person has to put the other first and both have to benefit.ju simi kin ju sie lakere nke lodo If you outstretche empty hand to your inlaw you will also return home empty gift.. Give your friends the best love and time and you will get same from him/her Happy sunday friends while i dedicate today to my best friend,best hero best Dad baba Ishara Pa Samuel Oyefuga Solaru.
Posted on: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 12:02:34 +0000

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