Identity Crisis It is good to suggest to the people that they - TopicsExpress


Identity Crisis It is good to suggest to the people that they make sincere efforts to effect transformation in the self, to improve their relationships with others and to do service to others. If they make commitment for this and implement an action-plan of their choice in this direction, it would definitely be a step forward towards a Better World. After people have taken a step for the betterment of the world through self-change, or through service to others, they will feel further impetus for taking longer and quicker steps in that direction. But while this strategy for bringing about a Better world has its validity and effectiveness, let us not forget that the major break-through in mans efforts for self-change comes when he knows his real identity. The present world crisis, which is generally known as the crisis of values, is in fact, a deep crisis of self-identity. The crisis of values also has real identity of the self. The whole tragic situation around us is due to loss of identity. While man has discovered many lost lands on the globe, this “land of the self” has yet to be discovered or re-discovered by every one of us. Thus man is first to be made aware of the truth that he has in him; a certain potential of divine qualities or a core of human values and that these qualities or values, within him, have gone deep down in the sea of the sub-conscious and the unconscious mind and now have to be brought again to the surface, into the light, and have to be used as the keyboard for actions. Man has also to be given a realisation of the truth that, with the cremation or burial of the dead body, mans all deeds - good or bad - done by him during his life-time, or the abilities and qualities acquired by him over a period of time, are not all lost. Unless and until man realises that, in truth, he is an eternal being a soul, a being -of-light and that so are other beings, his outlook and his attitude towards all others does not undergo a total change. When he realises his real identity, he takes a new mental birth so to say. His life-style and his mode of thinking and action undergoes a left-about-turn. For, man now thinks that he is not made of dust nor is he an animal but, in his own true nature, he is a being-of-light, pure, peaceful and upright originally. This realisation brings an attitudinal change in him and he now feels that he has not to give up his social life but only to be his real self so as to lead a life of peace. When man thus knows his real identity, then an improvement in his self and in his relationships with others takes place automatically and naturally even as day follows night. In that new state of awakening or altered state of consciousness, he naturally thinks of being good and doing good. He has then a natural and constant inclination to do service to others also. We may adopt whatever strategy we think is suitable for a particular country or a group of people. But let us keep in mind that, sooner or later, we have to give to all those, who come in touch with us the knowledge of the real identity of self. Without this knowledge, there is no way going nearer to our goal. When we have given the knowledge of real identity of self, only then can we facilitate a love-link between the self and the Supreme Soul. Without this mental and emotional link with the creator, it is very difficult, if not impossible for a person to sustain the self with divine qualities or ethical values for long. Let us note this secret and sacred truth that our relationship with God is the most important thing. If this relationship does not matter, then nothing really matters. That, in truth, ought to be the first relationship from which all other relationships should receive. The substance (or call in whatever you may) of love, divinity and unity. If one cannot maintain a faithful and loving relationship with God, it is difficult to really maintain a worthwhile or worthy relationship with anyone. One has so many relationships in the corporeal world, what then is ones difficulty in, or objection to, having a relationship with God? If one says that he does not believe in God and does not know Him and that he is the very embodiment of these and that, if he believes in goodness, kindness and morality, he already believed in God even though indirectly. Let him realize that qualities always exist or rest in some person or entity; they do not have any existence independent of, or separate from these. So, goodness, kindness and morality also rest in someone at the peak point and that someone is called God. These qualities are the characteristics of a conscient person. So, God is a conscient Person though He is Incorporeal being-or-light. As such, we do have some relationship with Him as we have relationship with others, for we are not in a vacuum. In fact, all morality has its sanction from God. If one removes God from His consciousness, his moral sense does not rest on any sound and firm foundation. God is the Fountainhead of virtues and high values. We, therefore, in our own interest, ought to know Him and have very loving relationship with Him. The knowledge of the identity of the self and of God will enable man to rid himself of the present crisis.
Posted on: Mon, 03 Feb 2014 11:28:17 +0000

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