Identity For anyone to be who they are. They are seeing It in - TopicsExpress


Identity For anyone to be who they are. They are seeing It in front of their eyes. You are seeing an image and behaviour. It becomes known to your mind. The feeling. The thoughts. The character. The spirit. If its real Its being known to you in connecting to my page for example as the use of Capital Letters invoke higher and more raised tone via pressing Caps Lock There is only two ways to form any idea. You have got the idea from someone else. You thought about it yourself. All ideas are originated. This is going to get quite tricky. As we form Good things. We want rights and ownership. We want use and access. The person who essentially is the owner gives you permission to access their designs and mind! State of mind? Image. Room and spirit. Everything is. All things are Mind It was formed. It was shaped. It was created for a Reason for the way it moves in motion. The purpose for its life. The creation of the planet itself is one example. It could be Pink why not? It invokes emotion The way it feels as we colour it in the colours it is. The Colour of something therefore is the highest expression of life. The colours reflect the life? The spirit. They way it is. The look. The shape. Spirit known and seen? Do you think life reflects you? It doesnt for me. This is my goal. To reflect life. Where the way I feel inside is reflected to the outside world. This is what any creative person struggles with. Depths and designs. Where its Seen outwardly. To bring the depths out. Make it visual. This means many things. If love was Beautiful We would see and know beauty. If it was calm. We would know calm. If it was for love. It would be felt wouldnt it. The reason to me means Image when it comes to life. Let me see what its about. It can only be reflected in people. In places. The beauty around us giving us meaning and shape. Light and travel. Where we understand what its for? We see endings? Do we know Eternity We see death? Is it the end? If you saw things and they changed your Perception Your world has changed. The way it feels as you previously knew it to be. This is what the power of information and experiences offers. Insight into Truth Where we can see and understand greater depths to life. Where its filled with intensity and greater beauty and good! What can happen to us? Science. We are just beginning. Growth hormones. Cells. Creative power is why life exists in the first place. It was created then what power is the mind? This is what we struggle with. Rational mind comprehension of the highest kind. The original creator. What would happen if it was Known to you? It would change everything? The spirit of life? The design and shape of your life. The bringing together of meaning and cause. The Reason Lifetimes and death? The meaning. The essential meaning. What a journey. If it could be solved and answered. Time and space. Life and death. Riddles and rhymes. If you connect to your life? What essentially doesnt make sense to you? What do you think? Pleasure. I believe this is what lacks in mine. Its meant to feel good It doesnt. I dont feel it. I desire it. It if was meant to feel good? It doesnt. There is no meaning then? There isnt. What happens when it does for you? The meaning starts to form? I find a reason. I feel a reason. I know a reason. Im feeling it. Spirit. Life. Lord of living. Its now pleasureable. Imagine if this world ended. Its what sorrow is. You almost had it. It now leaves. Images flood your mind. Home. Peace. Inner peace for you. Can it. Desire. I desire this place. It doesnt right now. What makes it less. What? Teach me. Guide me. I want to know. How do I reach a level where you truly feel it. Good? When I look into other peoples eyes. The first thing is I notice. Your not feeling it. I could pound the judgment in. Its not fair to do it. It pushes you down to a lower level. Where I notice your not as happy as me. Walking a dark street. Empty. A cold empty land. There is nothing good about it. Walking like a lifeless being. To a place that doesnt seem to end. Lonelyness. Lifelessness. Emptyness. Vague and void? Void of good! Its void of good. This is my meaning. This is my identity. Spirit of love. A spirit of pleasure. Light pink. Golden and divine. Sweet grace. Maharani love. Walking to you. Kneeling down. gentle and graceful. Eternal rest. This is a land we never want to leave. A place where we found Love My enternal meaning. Carved in gold. Shrine to love. Temple. Love is my meaning. Identity and light. Its in faces of love. I see why I exist. Only love. Only love. Rest in Peace Eternal Rest When you find a place where you feel it. Walk to it. Stay. You found it. Meaning. Identity. Where you reach for it. Grasping it as it never leaves your world. Remaining. The kindly light of hope. You hold onto it. Believing always. It remains. Love of life. Good emotion. Vibes and grand. We desire good eternally where no suffering enters our mind anymore. Walking home. The heaviest heart. I feel good now. Rest. Lay down. Sit back. Keep me fresh. Pure. Living. Life. Where the end is timeless. Where I wake up. Its pure heaven for me. For you. Forever. Sunrise rising over an ocean. An eternal place of love. She kisses him. We remain Untouched by death. Living. The good has remained. We trust in this. Where we can always keep it. Close to our heart. Memories. Motions. Pictures. We found a high rise tower. Torch and triumphant feeling. May it live. Never knew I could feel like this? Like Ive never seen the sky before Patricia Vandanna Gautam x
Posted on: Fri, 09 Jan 2015 08:01:39 +0000

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