Ideological Contestation and Political Education Our society is - TopicsExpress


Ideological Contestation and Political Education Our society is characterised by intense ideological contestation, which also manifest itself in the democratic movement. We can only build working class power in a situation where there is a deliberate and sustained cadreship development programme. Such a programme of political education should deepen members` understanding of the current phase of our struggle, the challenges it poses and the most appropriate strategy and tactics. To take our political work forward: 1. In the medium term, we must build the Chris Hani Institute into a strong engine for ideological grounding and political education as well as the development of alternatives on a range of issues but primarily to ensure that serves as an intellectual asset of the working class. 2. Set aside a portion of our income for the design and delivery of political education programmes across the Federation. To that end prioritise the strengthening of our locals and regions. 3. Invest in developing a pool of political educators, 4. Collaborate with the progressive intelligentsia to contest the intellectual and ideological space in society through public debates, use of media, and influencing centres of knowledge production such as universities, policy institutes, etc. To that end COSATU should be at the centre of shaping on- going development of curriculum that promotes working class and progressive values in the public education system. 5. Focus on young workers and develop ways to attract them to trade union organisation. 6. Be at the centre of alternative cultural productions that highlight the experience of our people and which instil values based on the objectives of non- racial and working class traditions
Posted on: Fri, 05 Jul 2013 09:45:39 +0000

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