Idiot of the Year Award is given for life­time achieve­ment - TopicsExpress


Idiot of the Year Award is given for life­time achieve­ment rather than a sin­gle piece of work. “Year after year Mar­garet Wente has been able to main­tain the high­est stan­dards of eth­nic, ide­o­log­i­cal and gen­der stereo­typ­ing, entrench­ing idiocy as a respectable part of every­day life in a way that serves power.” He did note, how­ever, that Wente had par­tic­u­larly impressed the judges with a recent col­umn that placed the blame for the cur­rent cri­sis of global cap­i­tal­ism on sin­gle moth­ers who were pur­su­ing grad­u­ate degrees in the social sci­ences rather than throw­ing them­selves at the mercy of the free mar­ket to earn a min­i­mal liv­ing as pros­ti­tutes or gar­ment work­ers. “It’s hard to be more idi­otic than that — and to get away with it in the pages of a main­stream, once-liberal news­pa­per is really an achievement.”Wente, a fierce critic of rea­son­able wages and ben­e­fits for work­ing Cana­di­ans, earns in the range of $250,000 a year from the Globe and Mail for reg­u­larly serv­ing up anti-union, racist, misog­y­nist pseudo-thinking pop com­men­tary that helps to legit­imize big­otry and elit­ism in Canada. The Globe prides itself on being one of Canada’s top employ­ers and is known to pro­vide excel­lent ben­e­fits and pen­sions to senior staff like Wente, a for­mer edi­tor of the paper’s Report on Busi­ness (or ROB) where she earned high marks from CEOs as an unusu­ally accom­mo­dat­ing syco­phant and cor­po­rate cheerleader.
Posted on: Tue, 13 Aug 2013 19:05:09 +0000

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