Idlib Province: Violent clashes took place yesterday night between - TopicsExpress


Idlib Province: Violent clashes took place yesterday night between the regime forces against Al Nusra Front and the Islamic battalions in the jungles of Ma’er Tab’i town near Al Arba’in Mountain, information reported casualties in both sides. A mortar shell, launched by Jondo Al Al Aqsa, struck this morning an area in the city of Idlib. The warplanes carried out 2 raids on the outskirts of Ma’er Temserin and a raid on the town of Ram Hamdan. A soldier from the regime forces died in clashes with the Islamic and rebel battalions in the vicinity of Al Hamedeyyi military camp in the south of Ma’arret Al Nu’man city.
Posted on: Wed, 02 Jul 2014 11:19:38 +0000

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