“ Idolatry within that Ensnares our focus toward GOD - TopicsExpress


“ Idolatry within that Ensnares our focus toward GOD !!!” Judges 8:22-35 …The ephod is not only a source of spiritual unfaithfulness, it is also a trap. Snare is the Hebrew noun môqēsh, trap. The noun and verb both refer to setting a trap or noose to catch some prey, but more frequently in a metaphorical sense of entrapping people. The wicked entrap people (Jeremiah 5:26; Isaiah 29:21). So does idolatry, as in Gideons case (Exodus 23:32-33; Psalm 106:36; cf. 2 Timothy 2:26). 13 Idolatry entraps people and lures them away from the worship of the true God. Not only does Israel begin to worship Gideons ephod as an idol, it also ensnares Gideon and his family. Gideons father had been the caretaker of Baals altar in Ophrah (6:25). Now Gideon and his family become caretakers of a new object of worship. Rather than serving the invisible God, they focus their attentions on caring for the golden ephod which draws many pilgrim worshippers -- with their money -- into the town. Many of us were already ensnare to many thing that divert our focus from God,not only the idols that we know that stumbles us from worshiping God but also our attitudes, our traditions and our habbits perhaps our cell phone, computers or our music maschines ? sometimes we could no longer live without our cellphone, iphod etc.rather than real worship and obedience to the Great Commission. Holy things need not be evil in and of themselves. But they can become snares unless we guard against this very real possibility. The entrapments today may not be literal idol worship. The New Testament identifies greed with idolatry (Colossians 3:5). Mammon or Money with a capital M can function in the same way to lure people away from pure devotion to God. Jesus taught, No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money (Matthew 6:24). Paul warns Timothy, The love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs (1 Timothy 6:10). My prayer is we could end Gideons saga on the upswing, but that just isnt accurate. His legacy ends with sadness. God wants us to learn some things here: We have to deflect to God the praises that people give us when they receive a spiritual blessing. never let others put us in the place reserved for God himself. Let´s be careful that what we establish as traditions and practices in our families and churches do not carry within them the seeds of our descendents destruction. Let´s be careful to live out with integrity before others lives because our legacy to others includes not only our strengths but also our weaknesses as well.and may God with His infinite mercy guide and make us mindful to count wisely our time in this lifes journey that life could bring,and each time we fall,lets stands again and again to Him who is Able to keep us from falling….Amen !!!
Posted on: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 09:51:54 +0000

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