Idolatry youtube/watch?v=SPs7jdfaib0 Subject: The Beast - TopicsExpress


Idolatry youtube/watch?v=SPs7jdfaib0 Subject: The Beast that Was, and Is Not, Has Returned Dear Brothers, Thank you for the extremely interesting and important video, The Beast that Was, and Is Not, Has Returned. It makes such a critical… point: that to venerate St. John Paul II is to be implicated in idolatry. It is a sin against the first commandment. Apostasy. The Catholic Churchs teaching is very clear about who God is and what He commands. There is absolutely no salvation outside the name of Jesus Christ, the Catholic Church and the sacrament of baptism. The true popes had strong words to say in condemnation of idolatry. Pope Leo XIII quotes St. Augustine: “Let no one say, I go in deed to idols, I consult fortune-tellers and soothsayers; but I leave not the Church of God: I am a Catholic... you blaspheme His [Christs] Church” (Satis Cognitum). Other popes spoke of the danger of idolatry, (Ex Quo, Benedict XIV) the deceit of idols, (Qui Pluribus, Pius IX) the darkness of idolatrous insanity... the wooden images of satanic idols, (2nd C. Nicea, Hadrian I) that [pagans] polluted the holy places with their idols... [and] idolatry indeed was punished by the sword [in the Old Testament] (C. Florence, Eugene IV). Pope Pius XII remarks that at Cassino Apollo was worshipped by the foolish country people... The man of God [St. Benedict] coming to that place broke the idol, overthrew the altar, burned the groves, and of the temple of Apollo made a chapel of St. Martin. Where the profane altar had stood he built a chapel of St. John; and by continual preaching he converted many of the people thereabout (Fulgens Radiatur). Pius XII also wrote about St. Boniface who traveled through all Friesland, ceaselessly preaching the word of God, banishing pagan rites and extirpating immoral heathen customs. With tremendous energy he built churches and overthrew the idols of the temples. He baptized thousands of men, women and children (Ecclesiae Fastos). The same pope quotes St. Ambrose: For who, said Ambrose, is so callous, unfeeling, hard-hearted and cruel that he does not want men saved from death and women from barbarous attacks worse than death... the service of pagan idols... (Exsul Familia Nazarethana). Pope Leo XIII wrote that through the Blessed Virgin Mary every misguided creature held in the thrall of idols is led to recognize the truth, (Adiutricem) and that the English race illuminated by the light of our holy faith, which expels the darkness of error,... has with free mind trodden under foot those idols to which aforetime they were subject in foolish fear (Amantissima Voluntatis). Pope Benedict XIV wrote: He [Petrus Angelus Bargaeus] contends that they [theatres, temples, and baths as well as the many images of idols] were demolished by the Roman Pontiffs, especially St. Gregory the Great, and others so as to remove completely from their presence all remembrance of idolatrous worship and the provocation of superstition (Apostolica Constitutio). Pope St. Celestine I said to … pray that the faith may be granted to infidels; that idolaters may be delivered from the errors of their impiety... … It shows how antipope John Paul II was the satanic Beast of the Apocalypse, the Antichrist, and how far removed from and opposed to the true faith the Vatican II sect and its antipopes are. Psalms 95:5 - For all the gods of the Gentiles are devils: but the Lord made the heavens. God Bless, Mr. & Mrs. White
Posted on: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 04:49:07 +0000

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