If 70s Moms Had Blogs... This morning I got up and Jennifer and - TopicsExpress


If 70s Moms Had Blogs... This morning I got up and Jennifer and Kimberly were eating Pop Rocks in front of the TV set watching Captain Kangaroo while Matt was already out in the back yard with a glass of Tang. I sat down and had a cigarette. I really wanted to watch my programs but I didnt want to have to get up and change the channel or mess with the antenna to get it to come in clear, so I let the girls continue until I was done my cigarette. I made sure to tell them not to drink any Pepsi for a couple hours so the Pop Rocks wouldnt explode in their stomachs. That happened to some kid on TV, you know. Then I went into the kitchen and poured them all bowls of Apple Jacks while I had my coffee with sweet n low and another cigarette. Halfway through my smoke, I went and got the baby, changed its Pamper and made it a bottle of formula. Then I put it in the walker so I could vacuum in peace while the other three kids went outside. About an hour later Matt came back crying that Mrs. Johnson had spanked him because he was throwing rocks at cars. Good, I told him, I hope you learned your lesson. If I hear of you doing that again Im going to bust your ass too, so you got lucky this time that you only got one whipping. Then I sent him back outside while I continued to clean. Little while later, here come the girls saying theyre hot because its 80 degrees and sunny. I gave them some more red Kool-Aid and told them if they were hot to stay in the shade and stop whining about it. That gave me the idea to lay out, so I covered myself in baby oil and positioned my plastic chaise lounge right in direct sunlight. I put the baby in the playpen with some blocks while I cracked open a Tab and listened to some Neil Sedaka and Captain and Tenille on my portable radio. Dont worry, I put a bonnet on the baby since she doesnt have hair yet. Matt had been down at the lake fishing with all the other four year olds and he came back yelling that he had a fishhook caught in his lip so I had to get the pliers and cut it out for him. I gave him some ice, told him to stop crying and sent him back to the lake to fish some more. Around noon the kids all came back from wherever they were and I made them fried baloney sandwiches on Wonder Bread with some tasty-kakes for dessert. After that we had to go grocery shopping so I put the three older ones in the back of the station wagon and set the baby on the front seat and off we went. I decided I needed another cigarette when we were in the car, so I lit one up and Ive discovered that if you only crack the window instead of rolling it down that the smoke ventilates much better, so I have no idea why the kids were coughing and fussing for me to roll the window all the way down. They were just being dramatic, I swear. Naturally I didnt listen to them. Bills going to be so mad at me. I spent an entire $27.00 at the grocery store this week. Prices are so high these days. Its just ridiculous. I dont know how the A&P is going to stay in business. I bet Gerald Ford has something to do with this. Or the Russians. I sent the kids back outside again. This time I made the girls take the baby with them, which was fine because they were just going into the woods to play. Gave me some time to watch The Edge of Night in peace. Im planning a big night out with Bill this weekend for our anniversary. I thought maybe wed go have fondue, drink some Harvey Wallbangers and go to a disco. I called the eleven year old down the street and told her wed pay her three whole dollars to babysit all night and not to worry if the baby woke up and cried. I told her if you ignore it, the baby will eventually stop crying and go back to sleep, so just turn the record player up louder or something and that if the other three want to stay up late and watch television, its okay but make them go to bed after Carol Burnett goes off and if they want some Jiffy Pop, thats fine too. They know how to make it themselves. Hilda called while I was making dinner (cube steaks and crinkle fries) and we got to talking about playing cards and then she said she liked Alice Doesnt Live Here Anymore better than The Godfather II and I had to agree with her. I told her they ought to make a TV show after Alice. She said it would never work. I told her I had to get off the phone because I needed to mix up my Brandy Alexander and the phone cord didnt reach all the way to the liquor cabinet. Fed the kids and Bill dinner. Then Bill went off to Bobs for poker night and the girls all came over here to play Gin Rummy with me. We had some Chex Mix and Linda brought over her famous pineapple upside down cake, which we had with Sanka. We all talked about what we were going to do for the bicentennial and then Debbie started going on and on about how she likes this Jimmy Carter guy from Georgia for President and she and Doris got into an argument because Doris is a Republican. The kids tried to peek out of their rooms, where Id put them for the evening, but I yelled at them and told them it was grown-up time and to keep playing Candyland and Lincoln Logs until they fell asleep. I asked Debbie what color she thought I ought to redo the kitchen in - harvest gold or avocado green and she said she thought rust or Colonial blue would be even prettier. Good lord. Too many choices! After the girls left I had to clean up the kitchen. Thank God for Corelle ware because I keep dropping coffee cups in the sink. This stuff just will not break, I tell you! Its a miracle. I mixed up another pitcher of Tang for breakfast, went and filed my nails into long, pointy ovals and then painted them a new shade called Shimmering Ecru. When they dried I put on a polyester negligee, touched up my blue eyeshadow and sprayed my hair. Then I added a spritz of Charlie. I feel like celebrating our anniversary a little early! I have an IUD now after all. Im not really worried about hemorrhaging or getting an infection from it. Its just a bunch of hype like that whole thalidomide scare. I knew lots of women ten years ago who took that and only one of their kids was born with a weird hand. Shes not very crippled from it though. The kids in school tease her but middle schoolers are like that and it will build character. Anyway, I think Ill have a cigarette and read some of Waiting for Mr. Goodbar. Maybe Ill put on a Streisand record until Bill gets home.
Posted on: Sat, 05 Apr 2014 00:32:09 +0000

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