If Clift Tsuji becomes Chair of the Committee (as is now planned - TopicsExpress


If Clift Tsuji becomes Chair of the Committee (as is now planned by government leaders), Monsanto will be welcomed to poison all of Hawaii. You can help prevent it by signing this petition ... tinyurl/qcrgr68 Sign the petition: Stop Conflict of Interest Appointment... I just signed a petition to The Hawaii State House: The appointment of Representative Clift Tsuji, who was named Biotech Legislator of the Year by the worlds large... View on tinyurl ... & by protesting to House Speaker Joe Souki whose phone # is (808) 586-6100. (Tsuji has received over $17,000 from Monsanto & related pesticide/chemical corporations.) Hilo district rep. Clift Tsuji has done plenty of damage before as House Agriculture Committee Chair, by blocking every piece of legislation written for GMO food labels in the State of Hawaii. Then, for two years, Jessica Wooley replaced him as Chair, and for the first time ever in Hawaii a GMO labeling bill was allowed to get a hearing. Now she is gone and Clift is set to get his old job back. Please sign the petition and also let House Speaker Joe Souki know that having Clift as chair will not be for the benefit of Hawaii’s people, but instead for the benefit of multinational agri-business corporations. What follows is written by Babes against Biotech: “I am writing to inform you that a serious conflict of interest is present in the possible appointment of Hilo Representative Clift Tsuji to the House Agriculture Chairmanship. I am requesting your assistance in resolving this conflict of interest for betterment of Hawaii and our agricultural future. This appointment is a problem because Rep. Tsuji has clear ties to the agrochemical industry, the worlds largest biotech trade organization, and has been awarded for blocking regulation of that industry as Ag Chair in the past. Rep. Tsuji of Hilo has received $17,191 of campaign funding from the chemical companies experimenting with GE crops in Hawaii and their registered lobbyists and trade industry organizations. We need representation of the constituency and Hawaii residents, not multi-billionaire special interests. These special interests already have numerous unfair advantages regarding tax incentives, land leases and public resource monopolization. These agro/chem special interests have flooded over half a million dollars into the campaign funds of elected officials and we need to know the buck stops at the Speaker of the House, Rep. Souki. 1) Please sign & share this petition to stop the appointment of Rep. Tsuji, who is controlled by special interest groups: tinyurl/qcrgr68 Call the Speaker of the House, Representative Joe Souki of Maui at 808-586-6100 Please remind Rep. Souki that he is the one who has the power to appoint a fair and unbiased Chair who is not clearly embedded with private interests. Please share this message and action alert with your networks, email it, tweet it, post it, pin it, get it out to your people and make sure they understand how important this is. We need at least 10,000 Hawaii voters to rapidly voice their opposition to this majorly unethical appointment and remind Speaker Souki that we are counting on him to make a pono and fair, ethical appointment. Thanks for your time & effort! When the people lead, the leaders follow.
Posted on: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 02:00:20 +0000

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