If Debt and Politics are Friends, then Corruption will never - TopicsExpress


If Debt and Politics are Friends, then Corruption will never End. What is really pulling a man to fight so hard to enter an empty house? Is more to be asked than just believing in the desire to serve people. When real growth builders see a situation from its real picture, their speech is to talk people for collective building than promises of preparedness with blind sight and deem understanding. When a man owes so much and keep giving promises of doing without telling how, something far from the plight of the people is at stake. Thus, the question to Cross Riverians, Are we looking for leaders that will solve our problems or those who will only swim in it and tell us stories? Is Cross River State a State for experimenting governance at the mercies of the people? Who is not sitting first to check what he or she has, before undertaking a project involving Millions of people, is gambling with people for selfish reasons. The Civil Servants, Public Servants even the Politicians and Contractors, the Investors and Aiders. An environment with no debt integrity is an environment with no growth potentials and Readiness to change positively. I am not seeking any glories or desire anyone more important but speak for my future and the future of my children. I speak for my State and the entire 3.5 million Cross Riverians who have their future in the hands of who take over Cross River Leadership from now on. Politics cannot have only Debt and Aids as the sources to our future. We can not remain beggars at the expense of Name makers without our plight and the plight of our children born and yet unborn taken into considerations. Yet we play according to the games of those who see us as nothing. Politics keep us in check, economic independent and power free us. If our state Cross River is so much in Debt, and all Politics say is Administrate, what is Politics to Administrate? Ways of getting more Debts or ways of closing up Debts? God has a way of exposing to the people the Right ways to stand up for their growth, and if a people refuse to follow, God never change a free will. Cross Riverians, you have a choice, a choice to use the God given Knowledge or follow that of man. If God is not with Cross River State, someone should tell me why the sudden introduction of the Caucus Screening? why the results? Why the rating by all Cross Riverians? Why the Acceptance of the 7 out of 8 that were screened out? Do we then say all was planned as a Game of imposition? Was the plans of the initiators thwarted by the results gotten? Or was it a trap to collate ideas originally not in their data bank as to how best to save the state out of Her debts and keep the idea generators out of the play ground? We can not change the power that be, but it is good to hold tomorrow to judgement today by the decisions we are about to take. I want all politicians to look inward, compare our past leaders who held positions they hold today and what those in the past did compared to what all are able to do today. You work harder yet no money to fuel your Cars. Many live in Cars and only bear the names but with nothing to show. You cannot blame the system because the system is in debt. You can not live on someones wealth for ever, time of pay back comes once in a while. Then why not take the right step to right decisions and change your situation that is eating away by day and work for your tomorrow so uncertain before your very eyes? I may speak without knowledge, Wisdom or understanding of the system, but inspired words always have a message. And that message I leave for my children to read and have the sense of what will come on them tomorrow. Good or Bad I stood to make that future firm and solid. Wisdom is not in positions, degrees or powers. But simple, Wisdom is being in the shoes of your fellow man.
Posted on: Sun, 02 Nov 2014 10:18:01 +0000

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