If Democrats are more likely to support animals than are - TopicsExpress


If Democrats are more likely to support animals than are Republicans, why arent they doing so? Politicians, of whatever stripe, hold office at the pleasure of their constituents. Most of their time and efforts are directed at assisting, placating, and currying favor with voters and with contributors. Politics is all about votes and money, and how to get more of each. I am actually quite surprised that there are so many conscientious Liberals in office. Everything about the American political system militates against the interests of the powerless. Washington, DC and state houses across the country are awash in money from special interests. Big Business gives money to politicians so that politicians will do their bidding. Politicians need money to keep office. They need to pay for campaigns. To keep the money coming in, politicians tow the line. Most people cannot afford to make political contributions. Most people are too busy trying to make a living and raising their families to become active in politics or to volunteer time to politicians. There are courageous Liberals fighting this onslaught of corporate power and influence. They are far from the majority of Democrats. But animal interests are still a low priority. Everyday the fights continue for voting rights, economic justice, equality. Our crusade for animals rights is just one more in a sea of injustices that are screaming for attention and action. Most Liberal Democrats dont put animals at the top of the list of importance. But Liberal Democrats are the only political hope for animals. And it is our job to make sure that animals become their priority. That means our voices need to be louder. Our support greater. Our efforts more intense, and Our votes a lot more numerous!
Posted on: Fri, 15 Nov 2013 20:10:14 +0000

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