If Friday comes and there is no one to lead the Jumah, you dont - TopicsExpress


If Friday comes and there is no one to lead the Jumah, you dont have to have an Imam. If there is a brother there who knows the religion, who knows how to recite the Quran and make the prayers and make the Jumah khutbah, then be is just as good and just as qualified in his delivery as any Imam. In fact, be is the Imam. It is not the certificate, and it is not formality. It is not some kind of ceremony that makes a man qualified in this religion. It is what he has in his heart and what he has achieved by faithful study. We know Imam will mean different things to different people. In Iran, Imam will mean much more than I am able to understand. So if we understand what Allah asks of us, for it says when the call to the Friday Prayer is made, respond to it. Leave off your business, and answer the Call of God. Come to the Jumah. This Is In the Sura by that title, Jumah. Come to the Jumah and leave off business. That same Sura that asks us to leave off business to pray to God and to give our minds to His Guidance, also tells us that when the Jumah is over, disburse back into the avenues or the activities of business. So here is a Lord telling us to come away from business to give your attention to what I require of you. Then He tells us when it is over to go back to business. That is the balance to business. In our religion we know that we are obligated to be a community. We are obligated to our families. Whether you know it or not, the men are responsible as Imams in the house. Let me repeat, the man in the house is supposed to be the Imam in the house. He is supposed to call the prayer and is supposed to lead the prayer Teenagers Have No Direction When I came here, I saw practically all the teenagers out there on the street corner, just wandering and loafing around. And we are gathering here for Jumah. Its not their fault. Thats the parents fault. And we are going to hold the teachers responsible for it too. The last teacher that has those teenagers, you are responsible for coming with them to Jumah. If a young girl is on her cycle, and she is not presentable or not in condition for Jumah, thats different. You have already made the provision for that. We accommodate them in the library. We have arranged to have a responsible sister who also is in a situation like that, or who is not obligated to come to Jumah, for a duty that will excuse her from Jumah, to go over there with the students and see that they are using the library in a constructive Islamic way, and not just wasting their time if they cant come to Jumah. But these young boys, its no excuse for them not to come to Jumah. If we want these young boys to have a good future, if we are truly Muslims, we will encourage these young boys twelve and up, to join the men in Jumah. And the others, we have someone there for them too. We have arranged the situation so that no one will be neglected. And those children that cant join us, we have someone to take care of them. A few years from now, before you can blink your eyes two or three times, those kids are going to be men looking you in the face, with no direction, no purpose in life, and youre going to be regretting that, especially when that misery starts to come on you, and you start to pay for it Prophet Muhammad Should Be Admired But if you love Prophet Muhammad, then you should follow him. First of all, if you love God, then you should love Prophet Muhammad. There is no way to love God as a Muslim and not love Prophet Muhammad. Thats impossible. And if you truly love God, as Allah says in Quran, then you should follow Muhammad. You follow people you admire. Watch how these youngsters copy the heroes they admire, how they copy the people in the environment, the peers, that they admire. They copy them, they try to be like them. And you are not jumping on them, saying, what are you, a slave; are you worshipping that boy? But you jump on him if I tell him to be a good Muslim —what are you a slave? Youre worshipping Imam Warith Deen Muhammad? Hes no god, hes a man just like every body else. You would rather your children worship a criminal, and crazy people, than to have a good model, an excellent model such as Prophet Muhammad, as an influence in their life. If we tell them to be good Muslims, you tell them hes trying to be a dictator; hes trying to dictate to you what you should be. Thats how come the teenagers are out there on the corners now, instead on here at Jumah, because you parents of those teenagers, are so jealous, rather than see them admire their Imam, you will discourage them, and let them go away from the Masjid, go and let them have some Kentucky Fried Chicken, during Jumah — dont let anybody dictate to you. You cant handle them at home; the police cant handle them in the streets, theyre just following the world with no direction, and we are trying to help you and them, because you are jealous of another human being and you wont support them coming to the Jumah. Its terrible.
Posted on: Fri, 19 Sep 2014 11:14:56 +0000

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