If God actually said- Genesis 1:9 9And God said, Let the waters - TopicsExpress


If God actually said- Genesis 1:9 9And God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear: and it was so. You dont have to be a genius to understand that- “let the dry land appear: and it was so.” Means God must have spoken the dry land into existence, instantaneously. Well then, what if a geologist could find evidence of that. Guess what? One has! He has posted his scientific findings in science peer review journals. For decades no scientist has been able to refute his findings. His findings are substantiated proof that the granites, the basement rocks that make up the majority of the earth or “dry land”, as referenced to by God, in the Book of Genesis, were created in just the few seconds that it takes for them to appear during such an incredible miracle. Not a molten mass that cooled slowly, over millions of years. The facts dont lie. This is very important information that might even enlighten a person, one who never realized, that even science can point to creation over evolution. I am so sick of being lied to, and our children being lied to, and having legitimate scientific facts withheld form the public, just because the facts dont jive with the secular agenda- Of atheism, and the theory of- millions of years of evolution. I want to introduce a scientist, who himself believed the millions of years of evolution theory, until he made this discovery- Dr. Robert Gentry…...>>>>>>halos/
Posted on: Fri, 20 Jun 2014 05:27:53 +0000

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