If God has called you to do something, do it, and dont let - TopicsExpress


If God has called you to do something, do it, and dont let anything or anyone stop you. Yes, you may stumble at times and yes you may fall, but dont stay down, get back up! Its not always going to be easy. There will be times when you will find yourself facing great adversity. There will be times when all hell will break loose. There will be struggles and challenges. Im telling you to expect the unexpected. We have an enemy. There is spiritual wickedness all around and the devil will come against the ones you love and yourself. There will be times when you will feel over whelmed and tired. There will be times when you will get discouraged and want to quit, but DONT DO IT!!!!!! Dont forget who you are. You are a child of the living God! You have Jesus Christ on your side! You are not in a war with someone who is flesh and blood. You are in a war with principalities and powers and the spiritual rulers of the darkness in this world. You cant win this fight on your own. You can only win by standing on the Rock, which is Christ! Keep the faith, and let the Spirit of God go before you! Put on your armor, the armor of God. Our enemy is great, but our master is greater! Dont be overtaken with fear and doubt. Dont run away and try to hide. Stand up to this enemy in the mighty name of Jesus. If God be for us, who can be against us? Dont go by the appearance. Dont just go by what you see, hear and feel. Stop walking in the flesh and trying to deal with everything in the flesh and stand strong in the Spirit! Yes there will be trials and tribulations and yes the enemy will strike, but GREATER IS HE THAT IS WITHIN YOU, than he that is of the world! Stand on the promises of God and seek to do his will in your life. Resist the devil and he WILL flee from you. Dont allow any space in your life for the devil. Yes there will be hard times, dark times, but if you keep the faith and keep pressing forward, you will OVERCOME! Pray for your family every day! Dont let bad news rattle you. Its not over till its over friends, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit is with us and we will have VICTORY!!!!!!! God bless you!
Posted on: Sat, 05 Apr 2014 03:10:36 +0000

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