If I call Him will He hear me? - TopicsExpress


If I call Him will He hear me? “Whoever calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” (Romans 10:13) The whole reason I wrote this book was to help hurting individuals from all walks of life understand that no matter how many mistakes we have made, no matter how much pain is hidden deep within your heart, there is a place for YOU in the Kingdom of God! There is a place you can go to, just as you are, and not only be accepted and forgiven, but really, truly loved. That place is in the loving arms of Jesus Christ. To bridge the gap between eternal separation and life everlasting in heaven is a much closer distance than you think. Simply put, there are just four simple things you can and must do to receive the joy that has eluded you until now. Don’t worry friend, I was nervous too.... 1. Admit that you are a sinner and are in need of forgiveness. 2. Repent and be willing to turn from the sins in your life. 3. Believe that Jesus died for all of us, even when we were enemies of God! 4. Swallow your pride and fear and ask Jesus into your heart. You do not need to “clean up” your life first to come to Him. You WILL be accepted just as you are. Jesus didn’t come to save the healthy and the sinless, He came to save the sick and the sinful, the lost, and the broken. In fact, Jesus says, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but the sinners.” (Mark 2:17) That is so clear even a child can understand it. Jesus said it so clearly because he knew people would judge, that people would doubt. We don’t need to doubt any longer friends, He wants YOU! As long as you are sincere in your intent your prayer will be life changing. If you are at a loss as to what to pray you can say something along these lines, “Dear Jesus, I know that I am a sinner and I desperately need you in my life to help me. Please forgive me for the way I have been living and help me to do better. I DO believe that you died for me so that I can live. I turn my life over to you right now and ask for your forgiveness. Thank you for loving me even when I don’t feel loveable. - Amen” Congratulations friend!!!!! You just made the best decision in your entire life! If you are like I was you are probably wondering what to do now. I have a few suggestions that worked for me. First of all, it is urgent that you pray to God for strength on a daily basis to be refreshed, inspired, comforted, and to grow in your new found faith. It is the “use it or lose it” mentality. Satan will try to discourage us as Christians and it is important that we remember that Christ is here to strengthen us. I particularly like reading Psalms because King David suffered much, leaned heavily upon the Lord, and his writings are helpful in times of trouble. Secondly, many new believers start reading the New Testament beginning with the book of Matthew. After you have finished the New Testament then you can go on to the Old Testament. Also, it is imperative to find a place to worship that follows the bible. Specifically, that teaches correct doctrine like the Sabbath truth and the state of the dead. I suggest the yellow pages to find the nearest Seventh Day Adventist church. If any readers are in institutions and the only church available is Sunday keeping I still recommend attending worship services, you don’t need to confront the pastor with their doctrinal error as you are brand new but I would definitely remember what this book has shown you. Plug in where you can if there are no other options. God knows you have no other alternative at this point so relax and let God work it out for you. Lastly, once you plug in to a church get baptized as soon as possible. Even Jesus himself was baptized,” At that time Jesus came from Nazareth in Galilee and was baptized by John in the Jordan.” (Mark 2:9) The book of John also says, “After this, Jesus and his disciples went out into the Judean countryside, where he spent some time with them, and baptized.” Total immersion baptism is not only a beautiful way to publically declare your newfound relationship with Jesus but Jesus himself did it! “As soon as Jesus was baptized he came up out of the water.” (Matthew 3:16) The bible explains by this last verse that not just sprinkled with water but totally immersed is the correct way of baptism. That being said though, many readers may not have facilities if they are in a hospital or institution so accept what is before you and go for it! The thief on the cross next to Jesus obviously was not able to come down and be baptized and we will see him in Paradise. In extreme cases we do with what we have so please do not feel like you are failing. Lastly, there is a terrific free resource available to everyone who may have follow up bible questions or would like to receive bible study lessons either online or thru the mail. They are short, easy to understand, and honestly, fun to read. They REALLY helped me out as a new believer and I highly recommend them. You can either go to AmazingFacts.org or write to Amazing Facts at P.O Box 909 Roseville, CA 95678-0909. (They are available in Canada,the US, and it’s territories.) In closing, if you have accepted Jesus I would absolutely love to hear about it. You can also write to me for the heck of it! My address is P.O Box 5134 Corning, CA 96021. I look forward to not only hearing from you but seeing you in the Kingdom! God bless you on your new journey and as your sister in Christ I love you and will be praying for each and every one of you...... P.S. My five minute video testimony is also on the AmazingFacts.org website. It is under “Changed Lives” and it is titled, “Broken woman to warrior” I hope you get to see it sometime.
Posted on: Tue, 13 Aug 2013 14:55:20 +0000

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