If I could Sing like a Bird, written by Brian Jackson Fetzer, - TopicsExpress


If I could Sing like a Bird, written by Brian Jackson Fetzer, arranged and performed by Brian Ballard I have been filming the Days of 47 parade for a decade now and have covered even some of the Children’s Parade activities associated with this event. The thought came to me that people spend cumulatively, perhaps thousands of hours on a float that the audience on the parade route views for likely less than 47 seconds. Then I thought that if some message and a song could be associated with that effort the influence of all that work could go on forever. When I heard that the theme of the 2014 entry float of the Salt Lake Sugar House Stake was birds, as I was sitting in the beautiful Chapel of the Tenth Ward, inspirations for a song stated flowing. I thought, here I have written over four thousand songs, should I spend time on another one? -- however the inspirations kept coming and I made a brief sketch of the melody and the words as I was listening to the meeting.When I presented the lyrics to my proof reader she sent back a note on this particular song expressing her opinion that this was a song of “special” importance. I then called a gifted piano man, Brian Jay Ballard, to arrange the song and we recorded several versions of the song in two recording sessions on June 18, and 20th. Then the song needed to be edited and prepared for release. By the 4th of July I had spent over one hundred hours in connection with things related to this song and the “Bird Float.” However I could see that there is some great importance to what would happen with the inspirations associated with this song and the endeavor to have a wonderful experience for the many children that are part of the presentation of the float for the Days of 47 celebrations. So on July 4th 2014 the piano track for the song was made available to the whole world on Youtube.We now live is a world where the voices of the children and the “childlike,” as Jesus Christ talked about those with charity in their hearts, can be heard all over the world. And their faith and hope for a world of peace, love and joy is something that could help the peoples of earth in powerful ways.It is my hope that the messages of the song “If I could Sing like a Bird” shall move the world in truly beautiful ways! If I could Sing like a Bird, written by Brian Jackson Fetzer, arranged and performed by Brian Ballard youtu.be/32ZWN0rSORQ September 15, 2014 Brian Jackson Fetzer  If I could Sing like a Bird, written by Brian Jackson Fetzer, arranged and performed by Brian B If I could Sing like a Bird, written by Brian Jackson Fetzer, arranged and performed by Brian Ballard Brian... YOUTUBE.COM
Posted on: Wed, 22 Oct 2014 16:33:31 +0000

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