If I could pinpoint one thing that pisses me off about the Obama - TopicsExpress


If I could pinpoint one thing that pisses me off about the Obama bashers, it would be the way they pretend that the past never happened. In this day and age, when there is a digital footprint for practically everything, how can you pretend Bushs presidency was anything but a colossal failure, Dick Cheney isnt evil, and Scott Walker isnt a lazy-eyed liar? Fact: The wars in Iraq were inherited from Bush and Cheney, wars they both put on a credit card. Fact: Bush negotiated the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq before Obama took office. Fact: The Sunnis and Shiites have been at war with one another for centuries--our presence there only places more American soldiers in the line of fire. Fact: Bush tax-cuts and deregulation of the banking industry is what tanked the U.S. economy. Fact: Scott Walkers divide and conquer strategy has only been successful in polarizing the state. His policies have been a huge failure, costing tens of thousands of Wisconsinites their jobs, and forcing Wisconsin to lag behind 36 other states--except Alabama, which is the only state that has done more to systematically dismantle their educational system. Fact: There was NO reason to ever be in Iraq in the first place, so to blame Obama for its demise now is asinine. Fact: Bengazi---we all saw the news when the Middle East ERUPTED over the anti-Islam movie. They caught the guy, who admitted it was because of the video. There is no conspiracy. Fact: The IRS Scandal has never been a scandal. It was perpetrated BY Republicans againtTEA party organizations as well as Liberal ones. Fact: Republicans stated from the onset they wouldnt work with Obama and oppose all of his legislation. They have not addressed jobs bills, voted for wars and against veterans, have ignored infrastructure, waged war on women, minorities, and the impoverished. These are facts. Pretending they are not doesnt change their status!!
Posted on: Sun, 29 Jun 2014 10:47:28 +0000

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