If I could talk to this kid and others who are around his age - TopicsExpress


If I could talk to this kid and others who are around his age going through this here is what I would say... It gets better. Right now it sucks and you feel like your world is at a stand still because you experience the same thing every day but one day, (you wont remember when), it will all change. You will look back at all of this and realize that each and every bully you encountered made you the man you will become. A strong man. A man who will be defined by the strength and courage that you already have. It takes those two characteristics to rise above and tell the whole world via Facebook about the pain you have. It does get better but it never goes away. You will always here a gay slur either directed at you or someone else. It just lessens as we get older. But the strength you develop gets you through it. Its never easy. It gets easier but sometimes it also gets harder. These years will prepare you for that. Never forget them. Always hold on to them because they are apart of the man you will become. Always use your past experiences to help yourself and others get through hard times for these are the times that you develop your survival kit. I was bullied every day. Emotionally and sometimes physically. I think once I began defining myself instead of letting others define me, I was able to stand up for myself. When you walk through the hallways, always keep your head up and if you ever read this, remember these words of advice whenever you lose hope.
Posted on: Fri, 01 Aug 2014 03:36:15 +0000

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