If I feel that I have personally attacked you or hurt your - TopicsExpress


If I feel that I have personally attacked you or hurt your feelings due to my bipolar, I have no problem appologizing... I apologize to my husband almost everyday for my bipolar. But I will not apologize in general for a disease I can not control anymore than a diabetic can control theirs and refuse to feel like I am a bad person for it. I thank my husband everyday for being an amazing person who understands every part of me (mostly lol). But this is me, and though I may not be a complete joy to be around while unmedicated, I am still human and still have feelings. For those who dont understand me and dont like me, Im sorry, and thats okay with me. Just dont judge something youve never had to endure in life, and until you have had to endure it or have an understanding of what I go through every single moment of every single day, you have no right to point a finger or throw judgement at me. I love my family. I have a fantastic husband and a wonderful support system. I have a mother who loved and loves me unconditionally and a husband who does as well. The two strongest people in my life because not many have loved me with no conditions attatched. This is going to be a long road with no medication, but I am doing it, and I am proud of myself. :) I love you so much Briar Mobley!!! Kisses my love!!!
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 22:09:19 +0000

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