If I had a penny for each time I heard chiropractors say they need - TopicsExpress


If I had a penny for each time I heard chiropractors say they need more new patients, I could retire on my own tropical island! I hear from chiropractors all over the United States that are struggling and can’t understand why they are not doing well in practice. The biggest complaint (excuse) is that they “just can’t seem to get enough new patients.” Have you had these marketing companies contact you and ask if you could “use a few new patients”? When they call my office, my CA usually tells them, “we see about 20 NP a week now and we can’t handle any more, much less pay you for more.” I have never understood why chiropractors have a hard time getting new people. It really all boils down to taking care of people like family. You have to genuinely love each person as though they were your son, daughter, mother, father, sister or brother. It can’t be fake, you have to really love them in such a way that the only person that loves them more is God himself. That creates a true FAMILY practice. It gets to a point where they want to see you succeed often more than you yourself want to succeed. Referrals are the best way to build your practice but first you have to have enough people IN YOUR PRACTICE before that will work. So, no matter where you are in practice, no matter how long you have been in practice, if you are not seeing AT LEAST 10 new people a week, you need to do something different. Physics can help us to achieve your goals. Look at nature. It requires massive action to start a process in motion, but once it starts, it often runs itself. Do you remember the old water pumps? There was always a bucket hanging next to the pump full of water. That bucket was to “prime” the pump. You would stick that bucket of water into the pump and then crank like mad until the water started pouring out but once it started pouring out, it took very little effort to keep the water pouring out. How about a snowball? If you start on the top of a hill and make a snowball and then start to roll that snowball down the hill, it not only gains size but it also gains speed! Once you start the snowball rolling, at some point, there is no way to stop it until it gets to the bottom of the hill. There are lots of examples I am sure you could think of in nature which convert potential energy into kinetic energy. You need to convert all the potential energy in your office and community into kinetic energy! How do you do that? First you need to “prime the pump” with MASSIVE ACTION. Here are a few suggestions: 1. Join local civic groups and clubs and offer all the members a free initial visit. 2. Become the team doctor for the local high school and take care of them for free. 3. Attend all the town meetings and hand out your cards. 4. Hand out cards EVERYWHERE you go with the words “free initial consultation” or if they commit to a specific time to come, “free initial visit on _____(day)___ at ___(time)___. 4. Go to all the local companies with 10 or more employees and give them all cards that say “free initial visit” with a good until date. 5. Go to the local police and fire departments and schools (teachers) and give them all cards for a free initial visit and LIFETIME $20 visits. These people take care of your town…take care of them! I know, you are saying, “But that is a lot of free visits.” So, I have a question to ask you. Wouldn’t you rather be busy seeing people and making your office “busy” rather than reading Facebook or a book? Wouldn’t you rather be doing what you love? Once you prime the pump with all this good will, they will be sending people into your office in DROVES! In a short time (6 months or so) you too will be seeing 20 new patients a week by referral only wondering why everyone is complaining about not having enough new patients. In Health and Faith - Jay
Posted on: Tue, 26 Aug 2014 11:19:31 +0000

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