If I had to choose one word to describe my son it would be - TopicsExpress


If I had to choose one word to describe my son it would be RIDICULOUS Tomorrow Drew turns 9. Now, I know thats not old and he hasnt really been alive for a long time, but thats 9 YEARS or 3285 days or 78840 hours that he has defined what type of day Im going to have. It all depends on which Andy wakes up each day ;) Andrew has been blessed with an entire safety net/support system, extended family who allow him to be the crazy free spirit that he was born to be. They challenge him to work towards being the best and living up to the potential God has blessed him with. They laugh with him or at him and in the next breath they discipline him. Im am so thankful to all of you for seeing him for who he really is and for letting him keep his personality unique. Andrew will always be a force to reckon with, but he has so many people to be grateful for, so many people looking out for him. So heres to a life long ability to make someone laugh till they cry, shake their head and want to Bart Simpson choke you all in the same second!!! Stay true to your self little man. You are my muse and my whirlwind, Happy birthday Pudd!!!!! #simpleman #mommasboy
Posted on: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 00:41:36 +0000

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