If I had to offer my opinion on the fighting in the middle east - TopicsExpress


If I had to offer my opinion on the fighting in the middle east and in ukraine I would probably have to agree with one of my favorite talk radio hosts and radio shows Ground Zero with Clyde Lewis. Clyde was on talking last night or the night before about how we sit and cheer on one side or the other like its a football match when people are dying and being killed. Its not our place to try and pick sides and encourage others to join us while we sit and watch this horror from 1000s of miles away. If you ever listen to Belief by John Mayer he poses the question, who ever changed their mind from the words on a sign or from something someone shouted really loud one time…not the exact words, but you get the gist. Just think before you go out and start encouraging war and support for one side or the other... is that really accomplishing anything? are you really doing anything besides stirring the social media pot by blasting your deep seeded beliefs so everyone can see?….does that make you a better person? more convicted? or are you just spreading the conflict here among your friends, family, etc? The problem is that this is what people want you to do, they want to divide us so that we are more easy to conquer and control…the media pits us against each other using conflicts that have nothing to do with almost every single one of us that are happening on the other side of the world. Take time to reflect on how your statements echo throughout the space in which you release them…maybe its not such a great idea to shout about a conflict and encourage others to take your side…if there is no middle ground, no compromise how do we improve? how do we love our fellow man? If you think something has to be one way take a little bit of time to try and put yourself on the other side. Im not saying youre right or wrong, Im not picking sides, Im just asking everyone to think about it…open your mind to more than just one possibility and if it feels like a mistake then by all means retreat back into a hole in the ground where you bury your head, but at least say that you tried. that is all. pleasant hump day to each and every one of you.
Posted on: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 18:39:00 +0000

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