If I say that I want to reform the welfare system, and you call me - TopicsExpress


If I say that I want to reform the welfare system, and you call me a racist, then the problem is not with me, its with you. If I say I want to enforce current immigration laws instead of granting amnesty, and you call me a racist, the problem is not with me, its with you. If I say that I think the ACA is a horrible law that will cripple the country, and you call me a racist, then the problem isnt with me, its with you. See, if the first thing that comes into YOUR mind (when I express my concerns over a law) is the color of someones skin, then guess what....YOU are the racist. If you directly associate colorless words with a particular color, then you are the one with the preconception, not me. If you immediately associate ones illegal presence in a country with a particular nationality, then guess what...YOU are the Racist. Understand that the problem that you have when you insist that I am a racist is that you havent been able to get past the stereotypes that YOU have created for yourself. This is a direct result of the liberal mentality that has lumped different demographics into special interest voting blocks, instead of treating and looking at people as individuals. Liberals, for all their talk of unity for all are only interested in the unity that can be taken advantage of when these particular groups can be united amongst themselves and then bought off with false promises of equality. I used to get very angry over the accusations of racism lodged against myself and other conservatives, but the fact remains that throughout our history, no matter how many times it gets a fresh coat of paint, true racism is squarely center field of the leftist ball park. Right now, in this day and age, there is only one ideology that benefits from the divisive politics of race, and the insistence that certain words MUST evoke images of particular groups...and as it has always been, THEY are the real racists.
Posted on: Fri, 23 May 2014 15:35:08 +0000

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