If I were elected the Prime Minister I will implement the - TopicsExpress


If I were elected the Prime Minister I will implement the following: TAXES All direct and indirect taxes (Income Tax, Excise Duty, Sales Tax, Service Tax etc) will be abolished. Expenditure Tax will be introduced. Customs duty and import duty will be retained on a case to case basis without any rigidity. The more you spend the more will be the tax will be the rationale behind the new taxation. Any individual will be free to maximize his income according to his creative abilities within the legal framework. Income generation will be encouraged not penalized. But taking recourse to fraudulent means will be dealt with severely. The property of those convicted in any crime will be confiscated. BANKS In the new set up, banks will play a crucial role, as cash transactions will be negligible. And hence banks will be under the union government. No cash transaction will be allowed beyond a stipulated amount, say above Rs. 100. The revenue accumulation will be through a nominal transaction fee (say 0.05 per cent) which will be divided among the bank, the local body, state government, and the union government according to a ratio fixed by the parliament. All citizens will be provided with a bank account at the time of birth. The smart card provided by the bank will be the universal identity card for all purposes (no separate ration card, driving licence, passport, education certificates etc). Maintenance of records becomes easier for citizens, and the government. Technology will be used to the hilt in ensuring a hassle free interaction between the banks and citizens. AGRICULTURE Since nearly half of the population is directly or indirectly involved in agriculture related activities, agriculture will get the top most priority. All rules, and laws that cripple the freedom of a farmer, and farm labourer will be abolished. A farmer will be free to raise the crop of his choice and sell it at market price without any restriction. There will not be any curb on export of agriculture produce. Self-sufficiency will be the guiding principle. Each household will be encouraged to raise at least one crop or help the local body in its afforestation drive. Focus will be on traditional farming using organic methods. This will help in abolishing the use of chemical fertilizers resulting in saving the huge fertilizer subsidy. EDUCATION Primary education will be provided using the most advanced technologies. The guiding principle will be that no child is bereft of education. Education will be delinked from job. Any job applicant will have to prove his worthiness for getting that job. Mere accumulation of certificates will not be sufficient. Training will be imparted to students at a very early age according to their preferences and tastes for specific jobs. Quality of education will be the best in world. India will become the education destination of citizens the world over. Education will be free at all levels. Teachers at all levels will get the best salary and their quality will be rigorously assessed throughout their career. LAWS A law commission will be appointed to completely overhaul all the laws -- including the Right to Information Act, and Lok Pal -- existing in the country and make them progressive, humane, and simple. All archaic laws will be abolished. The commission will be asked to make necessary changes to Constitution too, so as to avoid regular amendments to it. The commission will include 101 most brilliant people drawn from various fields (retired and serving), and it will be asked to submit its report in three months. GOVERNANCE The union government will have minimum role, mostly confined to defence, water, electricity, national resources, railway, ports, post, and if necessary national highways. All the rest will be left to local bodies and they will have a major role to play in the overall development of the citizen, and the locality. There will not be any annual budget presentation by the union government. Local bodies will have to come out with budgets and implement welfare schemes according to their needs. All services will be time-bound. Government will have the role of a facilitator. Private enterprise will be encouraged at all levels. Courts will be modernized and their number will be increased. The motto will be crime free society. Police too will get the best pay, and they will be trained in all aspects. Focus will be on crime prevention rather than punishment. POWER SUPPLY Electricity will be provided free of cost to all the citizens. All nuclear power stations will be shut down. Technology will be used to tap solar energy to the maximum. To begin with, all government offices will be powered with solar energy. WATER All water bodies will be nationalized, and inter-linked wherever feasible. Rain water harvesting will be encouraged at ward level. Water too will be provided free of cost. HEALTH Ayurveda, traditional medical systems will be given top priority. All primary health centres will become super speciality hospitals. Basic health care will be provided free of cost. India will become a medical destination of citizens world over. ENVIRONMENT Protection of environment will be mostly carried out by educating the masses at school level. Local bodies will have a major role in preserving forests, making the locality pollution free. TRANSPORT Environment friendly transportation will be encouraged at all levels. The focus will be on easy movement of people and goods without harming the nature. FOREIGN RELATIONS The guiding principle will be India first. No Indian will be allowed to suffer in any part of the world. Indian citizens rights will be upheld by all means. 24-hour help desks will be in all Indian embassies. Help will be given online too. An international toll free number will be established for emergencies. The country will not defend any illegal activity by an Indian citizens in foreign soil. All citizens leaving the country will be given counseling regarding the rules, etiquette to be followed while in a foreign country. They would be asked to behave in the most exemplary manner while in a foreign country. India will respect the sovereignty of other countries, and no country will be allowed to show disrespect towards Indian citizens. All boundary disputes will be settled in a time bound manner, say in six months. Diplomacy will be given the top most importance. If it fails, the country will not hesitate to use military action. SOCIAL SECURITY Every citizen will get employment opportunities according to their skills. Every citizen will get pension, and free health care after retirement. SUBSIDIES All subsidies will be stopped. Subsidies are nothing but hidden taxes. As education, water supply, electricity, and basic health care are free of cost, and tax structure revised, citizens will no longer need subsidies. BLACK MONEY Three months will be given to all citizens to bring out money hoarded within the country and outside. All currency notes will be replaced within three months with new serial numbers. Since the whole tax structure will change there will not be any scope for black money in future. RESERVATION Reservation in all forms will go. Instead empowerment will be focus. All section of people who need state support -- whether it be education, finance, or job -- will get it without any prejudice. The support will be reviewed once they are empowered. There will be constant review of their status. The support will be on individual basis and not on the basis of religion, or caste, or gender. LABOUR Labour laws will be both employee-friendly and employer-friendly. The focus will be on reducing the number of unemployment days, and providing social security to a citizen either by the state, or by the employer, or in a joint manner, without affecting business activities. No citizen shall be left in a state of helplessness. District employment exchanges will be modernized and they will be major supplier of human labour, will hold negotiations on behalf of the work force, and ensure labour welfare. No citizen should feel that they are unorganized and their rights are tampered with. VOTING Voting will be made compulsory. Technology will be used to ensure that citizens can vote using mobile phones. It will bring down election expenditure to a considerable level. Polling booths will be minimal where mobile phone penetration is dismally low.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 21:23:01 +0000

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