If I were to invite you to join me on a sailboat for a day, what - TopicsExpress


If I were to invite you to join me on a sailboat for a day, what would immediately come to mind? When most of us think about sailing we daydream about leisurely afternoons spent taking in the peace and quiet of the open water or relaxing in the sun. Imagine a world away from the daily grind and free from the stress and strife of everyday life. We even use phrases like “smooth sailing” to indicate something that is easy or burden-free. That’s because most of us have never been sailors. You see, sailing is all about friction. The only way the boat is able to move forward is because opposing forces are working against each other. You have the force of the stiff, blowing wind and the force of the sturdy, upright sail. You might be oblivious to it, but the only reason you are able to move forward is the friction taking place between the wind and the sail. This very same principle is true in your life—the only way to move forward is when friction takes place. It may seem counter-intuitive, but the greatest opportunities to experience growth and accelerate toward your destiny are when the friction in your life is greatest. Maybe, right now as you are reading this, you’ve immediately thought of an area of friction. It could be a problem that has come up in your health. Or uncertainty on your job. Maybe you’re working through feelings of rejection or are dealing with a relationship challenge. No matter what you might be facing today, I want you to know that you have the power and ability to not only survive, but to propel yourself into greater prosperity and success! How? The same way sailors do! When the wind blows, they don’t drop their sails. They don’t hide or shrink back. Sailors simply adjust their sails to use the wind to move faster! Adjust the sails of your thinking! By harnessing the forces of friction in your life, you will fast track your future! It’s time for you to take off any self-imposed limitations and to step into the purpose and calling you were created for! God has invested within you the ability to succeed and to change the course of your family… your business… your city… and even the entire world. You are the leader who will show others the way. You are the example God has given to demonstrate excellence, perseverance, and radical influence. If you are ready to make the one change that will change everything, then... If you are ready to make the one change that will change everything, there is a world-changing, divine enablement available for you when you learn to lead with strength. Don’t be afraid of life’s challenges. Learn how to adjust your sails, and you will move faster and go farther than you ever dreamed possible! I want to invite you to join me in setting sail for success! Keep on Sailing!
Posted on: Mon, 02 Dec 2013 08:21:05 +0000

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