If I were to tell you I always wanted to healthy I would be lying. - TopicsExpress


If I were to tell you I always wanted to healthy I would be lying. When I was growing up all I wanted to be was thin or slim, skinny or size 0, there are many names for it but whatever you want to call it wasn’t healthy. I would cry when I looked at myself in the mirror, holding parts of my body wishing I could cut parts off. I hated my body, which meant I hated myself. I would starve myself, exercise excessively, binge and try to be sick. There were times I would eat well but I didn’t really know what healthy was. To be honest I would go to bed with a bloated and sore stomach most nights and this was not comfortable, I suffered from constipation and painful periods. I tried many diets some would work but they were not sustainable. The one that resonated the most was the 21 day detox. I have talked about this before and you can read about that here. I learnt about smoothies and it introduced me to different foods but although I changed my eating and I became healthier, I was still not happy and I did not love myself. While I was pregnant with my daughter I worried a lot about loosing my baby weight and I knew that everything I had tried in the past hadn’t worked. I started researching and found that smoothies were recommend. I thought I could add protein powder and fruit and blend everything up and drink instead of eat. This was not healthy. I realised this even more when my daughter started solid food, I was feeding her homemade foods and avoiding any prepacked foods. I started reading more books and learning about raw foods, seasonal foods, traditional cooking, growing your own and eating organic foods. This was what being healthy meant. I enrolled in to a Naturopath/Nutrition degree and started to learn again. I loved it, It was fascinating and I realised I had found where I wanted to be. Living healthy and helping others to live healthy too! What an awesome thing to do for a living! My husband was diagnosed with a hypothyroid condition, this changed things even more. I knew that food could be used to heal and we have been using food to heal his condition ever since and avoided him having to take medication for the rest of his life. Unfortunately I could not continue the Naturopath/Nutrition training. I enrolled with The Institute for Integrative Nutrition and studied for a year and qualified as a Holistic Health Coach. This course has given me the knowledge to help people like you on your nutrition journey. This course has been life changing I practice a holistic approach to health and wellness, which means that I look at how all areas of your life are connected. I have since become a NPL Practitioner after studying with Dynamic Creation here in Perth. These techniques help me to really understand what is happening with my clients and are able to get results quicker, together we discover and create a new pathway for you to follow. This has been a long journey for me and I know you would understand this. There is such a minefield of contradictions out there, which makes it so hard to find out what work for you. Working with me will ensure you get to your goal faster and with support every step of the way. Have you tried all the latest diets, exercise, and complementary therapies but find it hard to keep up the motivation and cost of them all? Have you a young family and want to give your children the best start in life, the best nutrition and you need some help to get yourself organised? Are you feeling overwhelmed and fed up of feeling tired all the time, You don’t think you should feel this way but cant find the time or energy to fix it. As women we tend to put everyone else first, don’t get me wrong I am no exception. Imagine you and your family are eating the best wholefoods, you are feeling healthier and slimmer than ever. You make time to soak, sprout, and home cook meals, make nut milks/butters, yoghurt, kombucha and so much more. At Glowing with health we know that being healthy is not just about food. We will work with many different aspects of your life to get you back on track. Its all about balancing work, relationships, social life, spirituality, finances, career, education and much more. Did you know that by actually eating MORE you could become healthier and reach your ideal weight? Did you know that eating FAT does not actually make you fat! The food experts told us to fear fats and everybody switched to eat margarine and vegetable oils. 30 years later we now know that margarine is really not good and many of the vegetable oils are throwing our bodies out of balance. You don’t need to figure all this out yourself, I have already done all the hard work for you. I will guide you through this journey and support you every step of the way. I have found my passion and that is to help women like you feel knowledgeable and passionate about your health and become connected to your life purpose. This is what I love and I will be your personal advocate to guide you where you want to be. I now love who i see in the mirror. I have clear skin and no longer worry about pimples. I eat what ever I want and never feel guilty! I am no longer constipated. I dont go to bed with a bloated painful stomach. I feel confident that I am feeding my family with the best nutrition. I am preventing illness. I am clearing my body of toxins. and so much more If you find you have been in a similar situation and are ready to take some action, schedule a call with me today. To find out more and schedule a FREE discovery session where you have an hour that is all about you. Email me now to schedule your FREE Session [email protected] Sign up here now to receive free wellness advice and be the first to know about any special offers. By signing up here you will also receive my free eBooks. https://dream7.leadpages.net/guiltfreerecipes/ Keep in touch facebook/glowingwithhealth Website glowingwithhealth Email [email protected]
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 13:28:25 +0000

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