If Jesus Christ were on social media When I thought about this - TopicsExpress


If Jesus Christ were on social media When I thought about this topic, Canadian-American songwriter’s Alanis Morissette song, ‘What If God Was One of Us’ came to mind. Immediately, I thought of the time when Jesus Christ walked on earth, about 2000 years ago. And I wondered what people thought of him, how they related and interacted with him. What was on some people’s thoughts about his way of life? Then I came to a conclusion that some people might have regretted the way they treated him after his death. Others must have regretted not having a relationship with him when he was alive. The rest would have said ‘I would have treated him better only if I knew who he was’. All that must have happened because some people knew Jesus before his death and some know who he was after his death. Today, we all know who Jesus is and what he did while on earth. So if Jesus was amongst us today in the human form, what will happen? I think there would be no hiding place for him and we will all probably want to know him or have a personal relationship with him. One of those things I feel Jesus will do is to join the social media family. Imagine what will happen if Jesus was on social media, especially Twitter. Jesus won’t need to inform Twitter as a company to get verified. As a matter of fact, I think he will be the most followed person on the micro-blogging service. After American author, speaker and employee of Twitter, Claire Diaz-Ortiz convinced Pope Francis to join the bird family, he has gained more followers than some influential figures around the globe. With a stunning five million followers, @Pontifex is fast rising, gaining over 4,000 followers daily. He tweets in Latin, German, Polish, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Italian and Arabic. As a religious figure, he’s doing well on the social media. Now imagine if our Lord Jesus Christ tweets. He will absolutely tweet in every language on earth because he is believed to understands and speak every language. You won’t be compelled to follow him; you will utterly and willingly submit yourself to keep up with his social media updates. Now, I can relate with why Peter and the other disciples abandoned what they were doing just to follow Jesus. Each time I decide to connect with anyone on social media, I check the person’s profile and what he or she talks about. My thought is always on this question ‘If I connect with you, how will it be of benefit to me? What is in it for me? What value are you going to add to me?’ Jesus must have preached a fantastic sermon from Peter’s boat and many people must have listened. Great messages attracts great listeners; same with your social media activities. What are you talking about on social media? What will Jesus Christ talk about on social media? • Love and Peace: The gospel of Jesus Christ is about love. God himself is a loving father. ‘For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son… John 3:16.Peace on the other hand is an extension of love. ‘So then let us pursue what makes for peace and for mutual up-building.’ Romans 14:19. If we don’t love each other as people, peace won’t reign. The first and consistent message Jesus will preach will always be about loving each other. • Leadership: The leadership guru, John Maxwell said ‘Everything rises and falls on leadership.’ We will all have many things to learn if we follow Jesus on social media as we will gain so much from his leadership style. Jesus’ first message was from a boat not like the platforms we have in churches today. From that preaching, he got the commitment of 12 disciples though Judas was a ‘carrot’. The remaining 11 disciples so much continued the great message even after his death. What a leader! You are a leader in your own little social media world. People act and react on charisma to your post; even without knowing who you are. • #AskJesus: Social media is all about connections and interactions. Jesus can’t be on social media and not get feedbacks from his post. In fact, you will ask him many questions like the Manchester City fans did recently when they asked Jesus Navas some questions about his football career. They wanted to know: “How does it feel playing against Moses in the Premier League? Can you play football on water?” I know you have better question to ask Jesus. Ask him in your prayers and quiet time. Jesus is not on social media. He will never be but we can learn from him to make the social media sphere and the world a better place.
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 18:00:13 +0000

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