If #MAMR WOULD HAVE BEEN A BOY THEN I WOULD HAVE SAID TO IT/HIM I LOUUWWWW YOU I LOUUWWWW YOUUUUU💖💖💖 SALMAN BHAI KI KASAM😉😉😉 Okkkkk I have lots to say abt this movie (((Anyways who said I am girl of few words...I always have lots to say😁😁))) YUP MANY WILL FIND ME HAVING A BIASED OPINION..considering its movie of SOBTI...THE DECLARED HOTWA IN MY BARUNIEEE WORLD💖💖💖 but no....my opinion is not at all biased this time arnd...it is a nice movie at its own...y are we expecting so much out of this one when each week we watch dumbest of movies shattering away at boxofc. Comparing it with a no of movies i have watched in recent times...it wasnt bad at all..it was atleast watchable..atleast I didnt dozed off in the middle of it e.g. daawat-e-ishq hehe 😉😉 YEAHHH ...IT HAS LOTS OF LOOPHOLES BUT THEN I M NOT JUDGING IT AROUND And just watched it with a point of view to enjoy and I DID ENJOY. WE GET ONE , MAY BE TWO ACTUAL HITS AMONG ATLEAST 1000 TO 1500 MOVIES RELEASED IN BOLLYWOOD EACH YEAR it atleast falls among top 50 contentwise even if not in box office collections. 1-- BARUN FINALLY ENTERED THE WORLD HE BELONGS TO (( I was always most apprehensive about his decision of entering movies n ecpected him to return to tv any day but all before watching this one)). HE ENTERED THE SCENE N HE INJECTED LIFE.HIS ACTING NEEDS NO CLARIFICATIONS NOTHING TO PROVE AT THT POINT . ... but what amazed me n filled me with pride was his decision to take SUKHI as his first attempt..OMGGGG SUKHI MAY APPEAR TO BE BARUN but he is so not..SUKHI IS A PERSONALITY OF HIS OWN KIND..HE IS TYPICAL struggling DUMBASS with a local touch but as u get close u experience the principles, ethics n sensibility he posesses behind all the crasness....BARUN NAILED IT.Depicting complexities in a casual manner is his forte SUKHI IS THE HIGHLIGHT OF THE MOVIE WITHOUT ANY DOUBT...and there is where d first loophole appears..they used him less in the second half n concentrated more on girls pov..BIG MISTAKE. SUKHI WAS THE BASIC UNDERLYING SOUL OF D MOVIE.HIS HURT SHUD HAVE BEEN EXPLORED MORE. 2- Aliya as in SHEHNAZ..okkkk give d girl a break...atleast she is trying.Yup she needs lots of improvements in various departments of acting spally her dialogue delivery but gawdddd considering the flukes they have collected together in this movie in d name of actors..she was d sighing relief at many points. HER BREAKDOWN SCENE AT THE MIRROR...it was okaayyy till she screamed...hehehe I couldnt stop my laugh at tht point😉😉.But still she is not bad.and thats coming from me who has said worst things abt her..considering her the biggest black mark in baruns acting carrer(( yup i even said tht at 1 point)) but today i give her a thumbs up for her try.Just if she would have concentrated more on her acting than on her makeup n dresses. 3 COMING TO COSTUMES I LOVED THEM.. all efforts it appears were made in this section only..both barun n shehnaz got superbly lucky in this section spally shehnaz..ALIYA WORE SOME BEST CHICK DRESSES OF RECENT TIMES. Even the frnds gang got lucky. 4 EDITING SUPER BLAHHHHH...it could have been fast. DIRECTION -- WAT D GIVE UP ..U R NOT MADE FOR IT...barun saved u man n even shehnaz helped. how pathetic a situation thats is for a director when u have to depend upon shehnaz hehe😂😂 5 MUSIC -- LOVED IT 💖💖 YAAR BINA THO CHAIN NAHIN HI HAI BUT SHIBANI KASHYAP stole d show.. her number is so heart touching. N desi daru hehehe its so peppy n watching sukhis antics in it is hillarious. Bhool na jaana is so superb too. 6 Kavi shastri was totally wasted in d movie n they shud have concentrated on main story only all the frnds stories were bogusly played n drastically acted upon..THERE WAS NO NEED OF THEM .EVEN MAANAV WAS BETTER ThAN THEM ALL.THE ACTOR nailed it in his 5 min role . He said I M WHAT I AM..LAUGH AT ME OR WHATEVER BUT U WILL HVE TO ACCEPT ME D WAY I AM this was d main msg of this movie n isnt that what we all thrive for while looking out for our Mr.Right. That we dont have to pretend n we are accepted just as we are. BANG ON. it was a typical rom com flick for urbane audience and thats my fav genre of movies..CALL ME A BIG ROMANTIC FOOL..BUT ANYWHERE WHERE LOVE IS BEING DISCUSSED N DETAILED..ITS ALWAYS DUFFICULT FOR ME TO FIND ERRORS...SO AS I SAID I LOUWWEEEDDD IT. sukhi says to alia in a pleading voice koi jugaad ni ho sakta The world may not like it ... sympathize with barun...sleep around its screening...review it with all fine n critical words but I will just say MERE CASE MAIN JUGAAD HO GAYA BOSS. WAITING FOR UR NEXT BARUNIEE WHERE U WILL PLAY AN INTENSE CHARACTER NAMED ROY.IF U GAVE U SO MUCH CHARACTER TO SUKHI THAN U WILL JUST TAKE ROY TO PERFECTION. bus one hope only tht u will be lucky next time n movie will be distributed n promoted decently enuf. P.s. no of words indicate my liking😉😉😉
Posted on: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 13:08:18 +0000

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